Need Info On Colpoys Bay!

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Canadian River Angler
May 18, 2011
North Waterloo Ontario
I am heading to Georgian Bay to fish at Colpoys Bay on Sunday. I need info if anyone has any on getting some perch for a fish fry. What lures should I pick up? Any info would be awesome!

I am not gonna be on a boat lol. Just hitting the big long dock thats there.. I see on google maps near the end of it there is a dark deep looking hole in the water. That might have perch in it. I just wanna have a nice perch fish fry. Lol.

I will be using worms on a neon green jig head with a black eye and a super light bobber depending on how the water is. Or just pinching the line with my finger feeling for hits. Ive read online from now to October they like to be 6ft from the surface when they feed. I wont be at Colpoys till Sunday evening right before dark. Hopefully they are still feeding then and I pull em out one after another..

Thanks for the info though!
definitely a great fishery up there, i've done quite a bit of it there, most on lake huron though. keep in mind that the water is very shallow up there now, the dock in red bay was dry at the end this year
Thanks for the info man. When I look at the dock on google maps the very end of it drops off to deep water. I'm sure ill nab some. Hopefully. Lol.
Kit said:
Thanks for the info man. When I look at the dock on google maps the very end of it drops off to deep water. I'm sure ill nab some. Hopefully. Lol.
I have fished there many times this year and I have never gotten any Perch as a matter of fact me or my friend have never gotten any Perch there.

There is Salmon Rainbow and Lake Trout there and they are deeper out but you still may get something, there are Bass and Pike along the shore going toward Owen Sound,if you are going to catch anything I bet it will Salmon there's not a lot of Trout there like there used to be,the bait fish there are almost all gone as well and proof of that is year's ago I used to cut the Salmon open to see what were eating and we cut a few open this year and last and they are eating Crawfish and that is something that me and my friend have never seen before.

I see in your Avatar that you use Mepp's spinners and they do work but I have much better luck with Panther Martin's and I use size 6 9 and 15 the most for bigger fish,Panther Martin's are a much better lure.

When me and my friend go downrigger fishing in Colpoy's Bay or Owen Sound Harbor we use a Rebel Jointed Minnow Silver and Blue in either 4 1/2 and 5 1/2 it's this one I know it's not showing a Jointed Minnow but they are just the Pic,I would try to find a Spoon Bill Minnow they sell that's the same olny it dive's deeper and is better for casting and Silver and Blue works the best.

Me and my friend just using the Blue and Silver Rebel Jointed Minnow this year have olny come home once with no Fish from Owen Sound,I know when other's were not catching anything even at the depth's we were fishing and they were using spoon's we alway's got fish,all I can say is these lure's catch fish.

I know in the Owen Sound area a few guy's come over and asked if we got anything and when they see we did they ask what were you using and we show them the Rebel Lure and they either say were full of Crap or BS I don't why but olny one guy took are advice and I sold him a few of mine because they are hard to find in Canada and I just order mine from Lurenet.

I know the worst day I ever had at the dock there was one day this Crackhole just had to come up and ask what we were using and he had before and so I told him and he say's Oh BS you guy's just changed your lure's before you came in so no one would know what your using and I told him it's like my friend said to you the last time we'll be more then glad to take you out and show you that these really work up here and he started getting more frustrated thinking I was just BS'ing him and started to get to close to me so I ended shoving him away and friend just said look Pal leave or else one of us will be leaving in the back of a Cop car and the will be leaving in the back of an Ambulance and my Buddy's a big guy and used to be a Bouncer so then went on his marry way real quik.
If you want Perch and can get a boat try to find out when the Perch run in the Spring at Godrich,I have another friend and have seen the Pic's from his and 2 other friends catch's in just one day and they catch there 50 Perch per guy limit in 1 1/12 to 2 hour's or so when a certain bait fish comes in in the spring there,if the bait fish are in the Harbor the Perch are there and I'm going to be going there next year.

For bait they just Net some of the bait from the shore and go out and fish.
Thanks for the info man! Kinda bummed out now that you say you have never caught any perch there. I was just gonna use worms with a neon green jig head. But who knows they maybe there or maybe not. Guess ill find out. I would not mind taking a rainbow and cook it on a ceader plank.
Kit said:
Thanks for the info man! Kinda bummed out now that you say you have never caught any perch there. I was just gonna use worms with a neon green jig head. But who knows they maybe there or maybe not. Guess ill find out. I would not mind taking a rainbow and cook it on a ceader plank.
You may also try at the Dock in Owen Sound it's not very far away at all,I'm not sure what guy's are using but I would try Spawn or a Silver and Blue Crank Bait.
How big is the salmon? Kinda worried about hooking into a big one and breaking my med action rod with 10lb braid. Lol. Would be pretty pissed if that happened.
Kit said:
How big is the salmon? Kinda worried about hooking into a big one and breaking my med action rod with 10lb braid. Lol. Would be pretty pissed if that happened.
You most likely won't get anything bigger then 10 pound's and I know a lot of guy's who use 10lb with about 220 to 300 Yard's and even land the bigger one's.

A lot of guys use a 7 Foot Med Action UglyStik and they have a softer action Tip just like a downrigger rod for Trout and Salmon,if you have something to stiff you run the chance of pulling the hook from his mouth,jus start off with the Drag a bit light to be safe and tighten it up if you need to.

I know the last 6 year's of the Salmon Derby a 22 to 19 Pounder has won the Derby for the last 5 to 6 year's where as before it was a 30 to 36 Pounder,the stupidest thing I think and a lot of other feel the same way up here was releasing Salmon into Owen Sound since they started releasing them up here the bait fsh have been steadily dropping off ever since.
I fished colpoys sat. with planer boards and cought zip ,put in a verry good effort didn't use riggers because suface temp was 45 deg,f