I must not be the only one fed up....

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Well-Known Member
Aug 11, 2013
Whats up guys. So I went down to bluffers park today to do some Bassin over on the storm water ponds. There were a few guys also fishing the pond area so I went to start my round of hellos, and have any luck yet yada yada yada. As I look down there were quite a few buckets full of dead bass, im sure which are way to small to legally keep. Must have been about 30 bass between 3 guys that were fishin there. There were also a load of catfish, sunfish and even crawfish in the buckets. They seemed to know what they were doing and you can tell they hit this spot often, which pisses me off. Not the fact they fish there, the fact that every little hunk of meat that comes out the water they keep, no matter the size, no matter the species. AND to add on it all they toss their garbage everywhere, leaving styrofoam cups and **** floating in the water. So I say to them, wow looks like you got a lot of fish in them buckets, and of course they all respond "no english". It took all my willpower( literally) not to toss them all in the water( im a Big boy, i coulda done it). I know it is just a storm water pond, and I may sound crazy, But I love to fish, and dont have much options around me livin in toronto with no vehicle. But when I see guys like that disregarding every rule put into place, it drives me crazy. PLEASEEE tell me I am not the only one that feels this way....And if I am, can anyone recommend a Shrink...LOL
lol i ALMOST went to bluffers today, i feel ya man it drives me crazy seeing people with like 4 coolers full of sunfish and that to i think their fingerlings too, its hard not throwing people in the water sometimes
I cant stand people who are like that...they are the ones that mess up our ecosystems. And they probably dont even have fishing licenses which means theyre not putting money to keep our resources going. Should have started calling the MNR. I got their number saved on my phone just for these situations.
hamiltonangler94 said:
I cant stand people who are like that...they are the ones that mess up our ecosystems. And they probably dont even have fishing licenses which means theyre not putting money to keep our resources going. Should have started calling the MNR. I got their number saved on my phone just for these situations.
lol i have the mnr # written on my rod just in case lol, next time you head on down pm me maybe we can go together
You're not the only one fed up with this, I see it often around Hamilton Harbor and in fact saw it today in Caledonia. I mean a guy with 2, 6 in Walleye and 4 Smallies a half lb or less. Like let them go.
In your case you were concerned about the size of the fish and unfortunately I don't believe there are any size limits in your area or mine. You did say that 3 guys had 30 Bass, that is over the legal possession limit. Like hamiltonangler I too have the MNR saved on my phone and don't hesitate to use it ( 1-877-tipsmnr ) these people are criminals and are stealing from us and future generations. Using this number may not get immediate results, but repeated calls about a certain area may get a CO there in the future, I have seen this work in Caledonia where the law breakers I witnessed got away with it, but 2 days later when a CO does show up he catches other law breakers.
It will also help the under staffed MNR if you can get license numbers and any pics you can take. It's definitely far from perfect, but tossing a few guys in the water could have substantial legal ramifications for you, especially if one of them can't swim or hits his head on a rock.

There's no size limit for Bass, but they've gone over their possession limit.

I like many others have said, would have called MNR. But I also most likely would have dumped the bucket... even if the fish were dead, they don't deserve them (I'll probably get hate for this).

I've actually tried to start conservation groups and got some support but no one really seemed to care about the issue, and I have contacted the MNR and town of Markham (where I fish most often) and was redirected to MNR from the town and never got a reply from the MNR.

Seems like people just don't care anymore.
The town of Markham wont do anything, I know half the staff. They worry only about the parking and properties by-laws. MNR have enough problems on their hands to be honest. Not enough people know exactly what is going on with them but let me tell you it is not pretty. Half if not more of their staff are contracted constables and they don't have a stable job.
Thanks for all the responses so quick, Puts me a little at ease knowing I am not crazy. BUT the ease goes away real quick knowing this is happening everywhere. I guess the best thing is to keep MNR's number real close. I feel a little dumb that there is no limit for bass so theses guys were in the right(besides the amount they had). But still. What are you gunna do with a bass that weighs a third of a pound....Make a Bass Mcnugget?

But in all seriousness, what would the MNR have done if they caught these guys with all these fish? what would the penalty be?
Well first they look for how many fish they are over in terms of limit. then they would look at who has their licenses. If one of them is over the limit, the fish are automatically broken down to the 2 guys with licenses so they are over the limit even more. the person without would lose his gear, and be issued a big fine. the people who are over their limit would be charged per fish over the limit, as well as lose their fishing gear. Sometimes jail time is given and fines up to 10 grand can be issued with no jail time. Also I have seen a group of men lose their boat for fishing the walleye opener beside me in my boat. they caught 4 fish before the opener and I just sat back in my boat and laughed.
Call MNR in advance and let them know the time and location ... they will take care of these idiots! I went fishing this Friday night and my story is almost identical. There were 4-5 guys pulling literally everything out of water ... sunfish, baby bass and really small walleye. I approached one of them and told him what he's doing is illegal .... he just looked at me and said "No speak English"
If there is consistency in the calls to a certain location, they will go. Realistically if you are out there and you call them, unless they are around the corner they wont be coming. The MNR has guys covering big perimeters so it is hard to always be at the right place at the right time for them.
alwayscatching said:
Well first they look for how many fish they are over in terms of limit. then they would look at who has their licenses. If one of them is over the limit, the fish are automatically broken down to the 2 guys with licenses so they are over the limit even more. the person without would lose his gear, and be issued a big fine. the people who are over their limit would be charged per fish over the limit, as well as lose their fishing gear. Sometimes jail time is given and fines up to 10 grand can be issued with no jail time. Also I have seen a group of men lose their boat for fishing the walleye opener beside me in my boat. they caught 4 fish before the opener and I just sat back in my boat and laughed.
darn it can get pretty serious. Man that would be funny to see. I didnt think the MNR would show up for a call like the cops, but just to raise awareness about whats going on would be nice to do.And I can imagine the size zone one officer would be givin to take care of, must be massive.

MaxHook said:
Call MNR in advance and let them know the time and location ... they will take care of these idiots! I went fishing this Friday night and my story is almost identical. There were 4-5 guys pulling literally everything out of water ... sunfish, baby bass and really small walleye. I approached one of them and told him what he's doing is illegal .... he just looked at me and said "No speak English"
I dont know what it is, but how come everytime I come across situations like this, those ******** fisherman never speak english. I guess it explains why they dont know the laws.
Well I can make some comments but there are plenty of people from foreign places who think they can just come and fish and keep whatever they catch all the time. I am no racist and I do believe we are all equal but we need to make some change. It starts places like here.
alwayscatching said:
Well I can make some comments but there are plenty of people from foreign places who think they can just come and fish and keep whatever they catch all the time. I am no racist and I do believe we are all equal but we need to make some change. It starts places like here.
I totally agree. I have met many great fisherman that were born and raised in foreign countries that took the time to get familar with our laws and learn how our ecosystem works. Guys like that I respect. But the ones who use the whole "no english" thing really get get to me. If we went on vacation in a far away country and tried some **** that they do, we would be made an example of. This might sound a bit nuts but I feel there should be some sort of test or course you should take before being givin your fishing license. And if you cant speak english the test could be offered in your language, therefore the excuse " no english" would be eliminated. The only thing they would be able to say at that point is "Dumb" or " dont give a f@ck" This test or course would be a burden on all or us I know, but at least it would have some sort of chance to improve the way things are going. If nothing is done it will only be a matter of decades before freshwater fishing is in our past.
This happens almost anywhere in the GTA...I saw one dude at Frenchman's bay foraging sunfish asked me why I toss the bass back. Just told him I can buy the fish I eat and I don't want to know which body of water it was hauled in. Specially not Lake O.
ShouldaUsedaLiter said:
I totally agree. I have met many great fisherman that were born and raised in foreign countries that took the time to get familar with our laws and learn how our ecosystem works. Guys like that I respect. But the ones who use the whole "no english" thing really get get to me. If we went on vacation in a far away country and tried some poop that they do, we would be made an example of. This might sound a bit nuts but I feel there should be some sort of test or course you should take before being givin your fishing license. And if you cant speak english the test could be offered in your language, therefore the excuse " no english" would be eliminated. The only thing they would be able to say at that point is "Dumb" or " dont give a f@ck" This test or course would be a burden on all or us I know, but at least it would have some sort of chance to improve the way things are going. If nothing is done it will only be a matter of decades before freshwater fishing is in our past.
lol thats pretty good, sometimes when I see idiots like this I want to be a MNR officer and steak out so I lock these " no English d*** heads up lol