Well-Known Member
Whats up guys. So I went down to bluffers park today to do some Bassin over on the storm water ponds. There were a few guys also fishing the pond area so I went to start my round of hellos, and have any luck yet yada yada yada. As I look down there were quite a few buckets full of dead bass, im sure which are way to small to legally keep. Must have been about 30 bass between 3 guys that were fishin there. There were also a load of catfish, sunfish and even crawfish in the buckets. They seemed to know what they were doing and you can tell they hit this spot often, which pisses me off. Not the fact they fish there, the fact that every little hunk of meat that comes out the water they keep, no matter the size, no matter the species. AND to add on it all they toss their garbage everywhere, leaving styrofoam cups and **** floating in the water. So I say to them, wow looks like you got a lot of fish in them buckets, and of course they all respond "no english". It took all my willpower( literally) not to toss them all in the water( im a Big boy, i coulda done it). I know it is just a storm water pond, and I may sound crazy, But I love to fish, and dont have much options around me livin in toronto with no vehicle. But when I see guys like that disregarding every rule put into place, it drives me crazy. PLEASEEE tell me I am not the only one that feels this way....And if I am, can anyone recommend a Shrink...LOL