I must not be the only one fed up....

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Honestly, it is too much to reinforce. It costs money to have to do the whole testing thing. If anything they should have more catch and release rules on more bodies of water. Even if it was for a year you would be surprised to see the change over a year of no keeping fish.
rich_ace_G said:
This happens almost anywhere in the GTA...I saw one dude at Frenchman's bay foraging sunfish asked me why I toss the bass back. Just told him I can buy the fish I eat and I don't want to know which body of water it was hauled in. Specially not Lake O.
Lol, I would have loved to see his face. Man...I fish in a storm water pond, which is nasty green water. I mean DIRTY and these guys are glad to eat dinner out of there. I dont even eat fish, I love the sport. And If I did eat fish, I def wouldnt eat anything from the GTA. Im surprised I havnt caught that 3 eyed fish from the Simpsons yet.
ChasinTails said:
lol thats pretty good, sometimes when I see idiots like this I want to be a MNR officer and steak out so I lock these " no English d*** heads up lol
Do it up man you still have the time. I was Watching that show Alaska state troopers and it showed this Conservation officer looking for these hunters that were doing some illegal stuff. His job just looked so cool.
Just saying, it is way to hard to become an MNR officer. I actually had my life goal to be one, that quickly changed once my brother became an OPP officer and I know how hard it is to get into MNR with it's current state.
alwayscatching said:
Honestly, it is too much to reinforce. It costs money to have to do the whole testing thing. If anything they should have more catch and release rules on more bodies of water. Even if it was for a year you would be surprised to see the change over a year of no keeping fish.
You got a point. Cost is a major factor of this all. Better CNR rules would improve things, but people do break laws or pretend not to know them. And where are the officers to catch them breaking the laws....again, It all comes down to the money issue.lol Does the MRN recieve money from the government? They must right? I would honestly be fine with having to pay $100-$200 for a fishing license if it was valid for at least 2 years. It would really suck having to literally pay for others negligence, but this way the MNR has alot more money to play with.
To be honest not sure how it is fully funded, but their isn't enough of it to keep them paying their officers. They are contracted! A good family friend of mine just lost his contract after 9 years. Initial 2 year contract turned into 9 years and just like that, stopped.
There's alot of pigs out there that take everything they can catch. Call the MNR if they are going over their limit badly like that.
they get away with it..cause without the no English brigade markham/richmond hill wouldn't exist..lol--millions in tax dollars for a few fish--we cool...
I have to say I went through the EXACT same "No english" ********.

I was fishing in Lake simcoe, I caught a couple gobies I threw them up on the dock and squished them. About 45 mins later the white bucket brigade comes in. Looked to be a grandfather, father, grand mother, mother, daughter and 2 other random males (aged 25-35) they picked up the gobies put a hook through the center and threw em up out in the water.

I said to them, I was the one who killed the fish, using that is illegal. Blank akward stare for about 3seconds followed by "no english" oh man it took all of me to not start cussing. They all had rods, one guys had a rig with 6 hooks on it. The grandfather had like 8-10lbs main line and a 30lbs leader from the dollar store. After watching us catch fish after fish they started to speak english real fast. We were catching and releasing a fish every minute.

When I explained to them I had called MNR and there was a $2000 fine (I made the number up) their english got real good. Before any arguements could ensue. I opted to leave. It was late and I was fed up of taken fish off mine and my fiance's hook.
that whole "no English" crap is so played out now like c'mon we all know u can speak English. I just wanna let everyone know that you are not fooling anyone.

second I would like to share my own experience of debauchery I was on a west trib fishing under a bridge for catfish, there is a piller for the bridge on the edge of the river and u can fish on both sides of the pillar so when I arrived there was three older Asian gentlemen (just saying I didn't make them Asian it happened on its own) they were on the preferred side of the pillar and they had three guys three poles and three lines in the water I assume they had three hooks on too with three worms. Ok soooo I said hi to them they said hi back and I decided to stay and fish the opposite side of the pillar and so I go over there and find a fourth rod in the water unattended so I reel it in to find a bottom bouncer with a worm on it I place it down and walk back over to the three gentlemen and ask them if it was there rod and they tried to say no and then one said no English so I asked again and when they stood by there statement I said no problem and then told them I was keeping the fishing pole all of a sudden the English flowed from there mouths more fluently than the river in front of us. They wanted that pole back all I have to say is thanks for the pole guys it supports two healthy tomato plants in my garden right now cuz it was a peace of crap any ways.
I think if anyone sees situations like this, toss the fish back in the water. Even if they are dead. Wait til the guy turns away or rebaits his hook and throw it all back.

You wont get any hate around here because anybody I've seen on this forum who keeps fish do so legally and within their limits. Also all fish I've heard being kept round here were "morally" acceptable as well, ie... not a 6 inch, 5 ounce bass.

Another good idea is to call the MNR right beside them than start taking pictures of them, the fish and their gear up close. Follow them back to their car and get pics of their car and license plate.
ShouldaUsedaLiter said:
Lol, I would have loved to see his face. Man...I fish in a storm water pond, which is nasty green water. I mean DIRTY and these guys are glad to eat dinner out of there. I dont even eat fish, I love the sport. And If I did eat fish, I def wouldnt eat anything from the GTA. Im surprised I havnt caught that 3 eyed fish from the Simpsons yet.
Do it up man you still have the time. I was Watching that show Alaska state troopers and it showed this Conservation officer looking for these hunters that were doing some illegal stuff. His job just looked so cool.
i want to but i hear its a lucrative job and most officers just stock fish 24/7. in all my life ive met 1 mnr officer while i was fishing on rice lake.
I think it would be so funny to find an old CO uniform and keep it close for these situations. Just to go to the car and pop it on and see the reactions. Yes I know impersonating an officer is very wrong, but just imagine how funny it would be.
and good job mr.Bassturd on keeping the pole, cudos to you.
thanks shouldausedaliter personally im not one to be intimidated so I like to think of it as my duty and expect nothing less from others.
I am in no way trying to side with poachers but I have to ask the question.

Have some of you lost your minds?
You are most likely in the middle of no where. you go against 3 guys, I don't care how big, small or race. What if they had a gun? A knife, or bashe dyou head in with a rock?

Exercise some common sense. Is anything worth you putting yourself in dangers way? Call the MNR/OPP whatever it is.. You never know what the other person may posses.

What if those 3 guys were ninjas? And they left you paralyzed at the rivers edge, then a bear ate you! LOL

I am going really far off but is it really worth more than a WTF are you doing? I know I wouldnt be causing issue with people in secluded areas.
This issue really pisses me off, especially with these smaller waterbodies that are so easy to fish out in one year by the white bucket fishermen. I've already seen a few local holes I use to frequent ruined by these individuals, and when you walk by them with your fishing gear, you can see the anxiety in their faces as they fully know they're in wrong and afraid to get reprimanded for their actions....

The whole "catch and release" only notion in Urban centers has been thrown around, but again with the sorry state of the MNR, who would be there to enforce it...

Next time it comes to vote in a new PM.. I'm certainly going to take note of the current party in power and the lack of care and respect they're showing toward our natural resources!
ShouldaUsedaLiter said:
I think it would be so funny to find an old CO uniform and keep it close for these situations. Just to go to the car and pop it on and see the reactions. Yes I know impersonating an officer is very wrong, but just imagine how funny it would be.
and good job mr.Bassturd on keeping the pole, cudos to you.
And hey.. It seems the ones "authorized" to wear the uniform don't care about the issue.. Gotta take matters into your own hands somehow LoL..

I remember fishing a shore spot with multiple people fishing, white buckets full and all, and an MNR dude was sitting in his car having a great time with his Iphone.
if I die I die ive had a good life so far no regrets. and just so u know I don't go looking for trouble I might be a little crazy but sometimes u need to be in this crazy world. If your not comfortable doing what I do then don't everyone knows where there limits are. So stay within them
tried valen's reservoir a few weeks ago and it was the same thing, people literally keeping everything that was coming out of the water, including 2 inch largemouth, probably the smallest bass i've ever seen.

was pretty discouraging and just makes me want to do my fishing up north because there's no way any of these fisheries can be even half decent with people acting this way.

I won't even bring up what's going on with salmon too edit: I guess I kind of just did, but this is a topic for the other boards)