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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2012
So I started out my day with fishmyfaceoff at a east trib. There for first light. Fish so thick you could walk on them.
It was snaggers ball from the get go. Treble hooks with weights.
So after watching a guy hook 6 in 2 min I was on the phone with MNR at 7 am. They said its gonna be tough there a hunt that's starting today.
Well by noon they were there. Tickets here tickets there tickets everywhere.
So keep calling boys they will come.
MNR do come when you call.

Here's crazy MNR story...

3 days a ago I go off on my first river salmon adventure. While walking by the river, I see a guy without a rod trying to snag salmon at the bottom of the dam.
I go to take a closer look and he drops his line and takes a step back. I told him "dont do that!" With his hand he does the i dont know gesture.
I start walking down the river and when I look back, he continues what he was doing so I call MNR to report it.

So im fishing and 3hrs in, I get a strike. Im excited because my first 2 salmon broke off. I see head shakes and the person beside me congratulates me on the hook up. So im pumped trying to reel it in and then I notice it wasnt hooked by the mouth but on the tail. So im freaking out and I dont know what to do. I ask for some advice and the guy tells me to reel him in or break him off. So im reeling him in planning to cut below my clear float so I dont lose it. Im trying my hardest to get him close but he makes a run. I keep fighting for another minute and then I hear a voice behind me on top of the bank.

"If you cant reel him in fast enough, cut your line!".

A MNR Officer was behind me watching me. I was lucky I didnt get a fine.

Imagine, I call MNR to file a violation but instead I get caught.

Where do you draw the line and decide in that situation. Cut the line and leave the fish swimming around dragging 20' of line loaded with shot and a float or reel it in and cut the line as close as you can get to the hook
is your leader not less strength than your shot line or main? Why not just break it off and leave the hook or a couple feet of floro on
My buddy has had a situation where he caught a nice salmon and when he went to grab it by the tail, he didnt notice a teble hook in the tail from some snaggers. I suggest you DO NOT cut off the line. My friend now has nerve damage from the salmon jolting away from him as he had a grip on the tail and no glove. Sometimes you get unlucky. He has a cut from the treble from his palm up to the gap of 2 of his fingers.
river55 said:
is your leader not less strength than your shot line or main? Why not just break it off and leave the hook or a couple feet of floro on
That would be the right way to do it. I was just shook that a MNR officer was behind me.

alwayscatching said:
My buddy has had a situation where he caught a nice salmon and when he went to grab it by the tail, he didnt notice a teble hook in the tail from some snaggers. I suggest you DO NOT cut off the line. My friend now has nerve damage from the salmon jolting away from him as he had a grip on the tail and no glove. Sometimes you get unlucky. He has a cut from the treble from his palm up to the gap of 2 of his fingers.
Oh man...I wouldn't want that happening to anybody
I wish there was something I could do when these snaggers are coming in and clearly buying gear for snagging. Like suspicion of snagging do not sell kind of policy. I mean it is clear when someone comes in, asks for 100 lbs braid, and has weights and trebles and nothing else....
RUSTY420 said:
So I started out my day with fishmyfaceoff at a east trib. There for first light. Fish so thick you could walk on them.
It was snaggers ball from the get go. Treble hooks with weights.
So after watching a guy hook 6 in 2 min I was on the phone with MNR at 7 am. They said its gonna be tough there a hunt that's starting today.
Well by noon they were there. Tickets here tickets there tickets everywhere.
So keep calling boys they will come.
were you at the same creek where we had met earlier ? i was fishing there to nut much farther up, fish were trickling in
alwayscatching said:
I wish there was something I could do when these snaggers are coming in and clearly buying gear for snagging. Like suspicion of snagging do not sell kind of policy. I mean it is clear when someone comes in, asks for 100 lbs braid, and has weights and trebles and nothing else....
That's profiling and profiling is wrong lol but all joking aside theres got to be a way to stop it from happening but I think people will always find a way some people are just greedy like that the best thing we can do is do what rusty did is call the mnr or police and give them as much info as possible so they have the best chance to make an arrest and make the charges stick in court
Madriverfisher said:
That's profiling and profiling is wrong lol but all joking aside theres got to be a way to stop it from happening but I think people will always find a way some people are just greedy like that the best thing we can do is do what rusty did is call the mnr or police and give them as much info as possible so they have the best chance to make an arrest and make the charges stick in court
Yes Madriver it does work. Maybe not today or tomorrow, but repeated calls will bring the CO's and on places like where I know Rusty was yesterday there are always offenses going on. They will get someone or 5. Maybe that will get the message thru. All I can say is report these morons, they are stealing from the rest of us.

Btw, Rusty txted me yesterday and told me what was happening. I was at home but called the MNR anyway.

instapump416 said:
A MNR Officer was behind me watching me. I was lucky I didnt get a fine.

Imagine, I call MNR to file a violation but instead I get caught.

You can't get a fine for unintentionally snagging a fish, don't worry about it. Good to hear some of these guys are finally paying!
Christopher K said:
You can't get a fine for unintentionally snagging a fish, don't worry about it. Good to hear some of these guys are finally paying!
its only if you keep it correct ?
Good to hear someone was finally nailed..

Yeah with the hunting season coming it will be harder to get officers out to watch fishing as well. I am sure hunting takes a little more priority then fishing. Poaching, using illegal/prohibited firearms/ammunition, people not wearing orange when out in the woods etc. Loads more offenses can be broken when hunting rather then fishing.
I think our Mnr should raise the rates to fund more enforcement and better stocking programs !! I would be willing to pat 100+ for a license and specific species tags to keep fish ie bass, pike ,walleye ,coho, chinook , Atlantic , stealhead browns and lakers !!even if the tags are required for a certain season .. I feel that that would really help with controlling the conservation of our fisheries !!!
w_ boughner said:
I think our Mnr should raise the rates to fund more enforcement and better stocking programs !! I would be willing to pat 100+ for a license and specific species tags to keep fish ie bass, pike ,walleye ,coho, chinook , Atlantic , stealhead browns and lakers !!even if the tags are required for a certain season .. I feel that that would really help with controlling the conservation of our fisheries !!!

So like how hunting is? I believe its Moose that requires a minimum of 10-12 guys in order to receive a one tag. And every year cant be the same person has to be somebody different every year. .

Im not saying extreme like that for fishing but for the migratory fish something like that would be cool. Lets say you need 3 guys in order to receive a tag to fish for em. You fish your limit if your keeping, something like that..
What is interesting is the fact that it is tempting. For example....tonight, I went and checked out a river and found an area with a bunch of Browns...they were shallow enough that I could have got my net and easily "landed" a bunch of them. Did I? I will say the though did cross my mind since I have never caught one of these beauties! Instead I just sat and watched them for quite a while as they were right there in front of me. In I could probably have tailed since he was only 2 feet away from me (on the bank).

Watching them smacking the rocks with their tails was exciting enough I think...though I will go back tomorrow with my camera as a cell picture just doesn't quite cut it. :)