As a russian, I can tell you that YES, it is true (unfortunately) that we can be ruthless ******** when it comes to nature and fishing. It makes me extremely angry when I see my own people behave like savages when it comes to free salmon. To be honest though, when I first came here 15 years ago,we were the same ( I was also very young to care lol ). But by being TOLD by others around us that we cannot do certain things here in Canada when it comes to fishing, made us learn very quickly the laws and regulations. From our first few experiences, we bought licenses, and followed the regs soon as we were properly informed as to what they were, and more importantly, the huge penalties they can carry.
I have fished since I was 5 years old, and in Canada since I came here 15 years ago....and I have seen many, many of the mentioned ethnicity doing the very same things we were doing when we first came and heard that salmon are just piling up in the rivers. However, I think that because of my nature, I respect the fish and environment, I stopped that behavior years and years ago.
I think that racial profiling on the forums is not good, but inevitable. Also, having lived in Russia for 9 years, Its an ENTIRELY different mentality and enforcement when it comes to wildlife. While there are officers just like the MNR, there are "laws"....99% of the "anglers" do not care and do not follow those laws simply beacause there is LACK of enforcement, and the corruption is rampant.
If you can bribe your way out of hitting an innocent 5year old girl because you were driving extremely drunk...and make it her family's fault (true story, was on the national news in Russia and happens very often)...well then let me tell you no one gives two F***S about a fish.
Sadly, some people carry that mentality over with them when they come here, and I think that is just WRONG and makes my blood boil...but unless we educate them and more importantly FINE them ( I honestly dont know any snagger that will care if the MNR makes them feel "bad" for the fish that was going to die anyways) but they will certainly care about having their equipment repossessed, and a large fine.