Fly Fishing Get Together 2.0

Ontario Fishing Forums

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River System

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Canadian River Angler
May 18, 2011
North Waterloo Ontario
TIME WILL BE 8:00AM till 5:30PM

Please arrive at Wilson's Flats at 8:00am.

Post "IN' below if you can attend so we can see who is going to come along.

At the end of May a location with the most votes will be our area we are going to fish.

Also indicate if you are a noobie who has never used a fly rod. And indicate if your an experienced on the fly. Even if its just basic casting that is good enough for a noobie to learn.

Also if any experienced member has extra rods or flies and does not mind letting guys try it out indicate that as well I will mark it beside your name on the roster.

What To Bring:

If you got waders bring em. If you got a fishing vest bring it. Also pack light the lighter the better when wading. If you don't have waders try to get some I know its June and it will be warm out but if we are fishing Trout waters the water will not be too warm. And another thing if you really want to get into fly fishing get yourself a rod for the event. Bass Pro sells a nice White River starter kit for 110 bucks or something like that only think I suggest is to replace the fly line on it with something higher end. Bring water or food with you as well unless your going to pick something up once we move onto the fishing part of the day.


So I have decided that we are going to fish the Grand somewhere between West Montrose and Shand Dam so Fergus area for browns. Vote what you want above or post an other suggestion from this link:

Who's 'IN" to learn (Noobies)

1.) Shawarma
2.) Roughsquare
4.) Bow Man "a old noob, but still a noob"
5.) Doorhandle
7.) goodentight
8.) BNG
9.) Brian

Who's "IN" experienced members

1.) Kit
2.) ChrisK 4-5 rods with extra flies.
3.) Esoxtrout
Could i suggest we add an "experience" level as well so we know if there's enough experienced fly fishermen attending?

otherwise... I'm in.

Experience: None. Interested in learning really.
Dates are all good except June 8th.
I'm in, I'd call myself a noob as I am just figuring out the whole casting thing. Lots of research and I hope to try again tomorrow (and every weekend I can) between now and the meet.

I've got a with South Bend 5/6wt 8'6", matching weight center pin click drag reel (it was an old beginners set) in Fenwick wf6wt floating line and 9' 4x leader, hope that will work alright.

I am available any Saturday or Sunday between now and the Canada day weekend.

I'll be coming from London so if anyone needs a ride I have room for two.

I'm in, but let's choose a date quickly and STICK with it, if it keeps moving it will never happen. Throw me in the experienced category, I won't be the best there but I can certainly show flies, and maybe a little bit of bug ID. I will also vote for the grand.
Oh, and I can bring 4, maybe 5 rods, and will have a decent selection of flies (to show) and can bring lots of fly tying stuff if anyone wants to learn.
roughsquare said:
I'm in, I'd call myself a noob as I am just figuring out the whole casting thing. Lots of research and I hope to try again tomorrow (and every weekend I can) between now and the meet. I've got a with South Bend 5/6wt 8'6", matching weight center pin click drag reel (it was an old beginners set) in Fenwick wf6wt floating line and 9' 4x leader, hope that will work alright. I am available any Saturday or Sunday between now and the Canada day weekend. I'll be coming from London so if anyone needs a ride I have room for two. Cheers, Devon

Ill take you up on that ride offer if my truck is not on the road then.. surely hope it will be though..
Christopher K said:
I'm in, but let's choose a date quickly and STICK with it, if it keeps moving it will never happen. Throw me in the experienced category, I won't be the best there but I can certainly show flies, and maybe a little bit of bug ID. I will also vote for the grand.
That's excellent. I would love to learn more in that aspect.

Christopher K said:
Oh, and I can bring 4, maybe 5 rods, and will have a decent selection of flies (to show) and can bring lots of fly tying stuff if anyone wants to learn.
Awesome man.. Stoked for this.
Personally I love just seeing the scenery up in the gorge itself but I'm not at all experienced on the grand so wherever you guys think provides the best fishing opportunities is good with me.
Yeah and its finding enough room for people to practice as well.

Wilson's Flats has a parking lot and somewhat enough room on land to practice..

I got one place here that looks good on Google Maps it's in Elora. Haven't been here personally. Choose it cause the white water looks good and down stream looks pretty nice as well.. There's an access point I found on the other side of the river. Not sure if that flat spot is just over grown with small plants or out of reach. If anyone has been here chyme in.

Spot 1.png
im in for a sunday, put me under semi experienced, can bring 3 rods, and can possibly ask one of my rep friends to come along as well since they are part of friends of the grand
Two points - IMO:
1) Grand Opportunities is on June 7, so if that is the winning date it might be good for those that want to look at used equipment, but it might be bad if folks want to attend it and have to choose ... or if the river is full of fishers later in the day after Opportunities closes ... or if Grand Opportunities thinks OFF is poaching on their event.
2) I am not sure the river system location is that important. All 'water/fishing' locations could be used in the 'second' part of the day. Being at the river together is good for a look at bugs and maybe to demonstrate line control. It is really hard to review casting and line control on the water with more than one person because casters have to be far enough apart to avoid tangles. That could be done in small groups in the 'second' part of the day (prior to free time to fish) after getting to know each other, equipment review, casting practice, knots, tools, flies review, etc., .... which would best be done on firm ground where it is easy to be close, be heard and move about.
Here's my other 2 cents. We start at the flats lots of space to practice casting on water, and the sooner (May 31-June 1st) we get out there the better because once the terrestrial grasses start growing along the banks in that area it will be harder to learn how to cast with tall vegetation behind you unless your in the river of course, but not all areas in this section work out that way.

And from the Flats all the way to Shand dam is a quick drive, and again loads of access points to go to after we meet at the flats.

You can put me in the experienced section but I don't know everything so I'll be looking to pick up some tips myself.
Lol that would be funny if we showed up with 10-15 people haha..

We gotta figure out where to go that has lots of open land to practice with it being beside the water.
Esoxtrout said:
Here's my other 2 cents. We start at the flats lots of space to practice casting on water, and the sooner (May 31-June 1st) we get out there the better because once the terrestrial grasses start growing along the banks in that area it will be harder to learn how to cast with tall vegetation behind you unless your in the river of course, but not all areas in this section work out that way.

And from the Flats all the way to Shand dam is a quick drive, and again loads of access points to go to after we meet at the flats.

You can put me in the experienced section but I don't know everything so I'll be looking to pick up some tips myself.
That sounds like a good idea actually. learn there then get out up stream on the river.
Okay we are going to try and get this for June 1st, Time's will be announced closer to the date and the exact place we will be fishing at for the remainder of the day. The sooner we get on the water the better Trout action will be better now then when the water starts to warm too much. I was talking with another member we though it would be a good idea to find a park or school yard and practice casting there along with the proper flies to use on the water for the time of year and referencing to hatch charts or entomology and to show you guys how flies are tied. Once we get to the water I can take a few guys at a time and show them the basics of reading trout water and river water in general. We can also have someone showing common knots to use while fly fishing. Once everyone is filled in with some knowledge we can get out on the water and do some fishing.

How does that sound?