What a complete dick.

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that dude wouldn't have gotten home in the same condition as he got there if that was me. does that mean he kills humans because we kill the fish he likes to catch? lol moron
wow.. that is absolutely insane!! what a complete as.shole!

Such a nice muskie too. Doing that to any fish is just wrong to begin with.
That's fuc ked. Honestly the most screwed up thing I've seen in a long time.

Really hope he got charged.

I'm actually livid right now.
Wow that's beyond fkd up. I work in the Law enforcement field, and can't stand seeing this crap. Just disgusting...
Paul1913 said:
Wow that's beyond fkd up. I work in the Law enforcement field, and can't stand seeing this crap. Just disgusting...
I assume police? Are you guys allowed to enforce the conservation act and fishing regs?
******** will tell you every excuse they can think of that makes the deed justified. mental gymnastics as they call it. unless someone teaches them a lesson. they will always think what they did was right and it is withing their right. guy who took the video did everything right, call them out but not too much to escalate the situation...
So that's pretty sad. That was a great fish and looked healthy. Human species really is the top predator but kills for all the wrong reasons.

On the topic of musky baits,- holy poop those things are huge. It looked like a hammer with trebles :lol:
anglers are stewards of their sport. if they want the fishing to be better they must practice conservation of the resources. do not mess with an ecosystem that has existed in these waters before man did. when you see violations such as the ones posted in the vid call your mnr enforcement officer and make a report...its the best thing you can do legally. more violations that are reported = more enforcement officers required. maybe one of you get hired as one and do to the violators what we all are thinking should be done.
Kit said:
I assume police? Are you guys allowed to enforce the conservation act and fishing regs?
Yes we are. It's written into the fish and wildlife conservation act that we are Co's as mentioned in the act.

Frankly I have worked 11 years in an urban environment so the intricacies of the act I do not know. Just the major / common offences.

I have no issues in confronting people when they're doing something blatant and have done it in the past.
What a complete assh*le, what the hell does he mean by "ShitFish", in that case he's a "ShitMan" and also deserves to be clubbed in the head. This type of crap aggravates the hell out of me, we try so freaking hard to sustain our wildlife and this F*cker is just killing them...I hope this video got to the MNR and that he was charged and had his license stripped for life!!!
Paul1913 said:
Yes we are. It's written into the fish and wildlife conservation act that we are Co's as mentioned in the act.

Frankly I have worked 11 years in an urban environment so the intricacies of the act I do not know. Just the major / common offences.

I have no issues in confronting people when they're doing something blatant and have done it in the past.
Thanks for the info Paul. Stay safe out there. Tight lines.
Paul1913 said:
Yes we are. It's written into the fish and wildlife conservation act that we are Co's as mentioned in the act.

Frankly I have worked 11 years in an urban environment so the intricacies of the act I do not know. Just the major / common offences.

I have no issues in confronting people when they're doing something blatant and have done it in the past.
thats good to hear, nice to see you guys helping the C.O's out. Like Kit said, stay safe out there, and thanks for keeping us all safe :mrgreen: . Cheers
Wow you're right, what a complete dick for interrupting that guy peacefully fishing walleye! That's about as much info as you can get on a guy, hope they get him charged...