Bluffs and ttc

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Mar 24, 2015
Good afternoon gentleman, and ladies.

I was just wondering if there is anyone who shore fishes bluffs for pike and if they know a good route by ttc.

I've never been there and live by high park (keele station)

Any advice is helpful cheers
From Kingston Rd ( which is the closest transit ) to the lake there is a big, long hill
- down easy - up not so much
If you're by high park, I would suggest you try humber marina or ashbridges first. the hike going back to kingston if you're taking the bus is quite a walk and a good exercise but the place is beautiful. great fishing spot for bass pike and carp.
From Victoria Pk station take the Kingston 12 all the way to the end ( Barkdene Hills & Brimley ) and walk Brimley south. As others have said - the walk up is brutal but you get to fish a pretty sweet area ;)