Lake Eugenia

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Jan 5, 2020
Hey all, has anyone fished Lake eugenia?
I have a cottage one this lake and ice fish often. I've caught lots of perch but all very small, and a few nice trout, I recently heard that trout is closed in the winter on Lake eugenia. Does anyone know if this is true? I can't find it online. I also heard that there are pike in this lake and see that the MNR says they've been in here since 2009 or something like that. However I have never seen any or heard of anyone catching them. Does anyone know for sure if they are in here? If so where can I catch them? Thanks
I remember Lake Eugenia but it died a long time ago and it's not even worth my time these days. I remember as a kid I could spend all day fighting massive monster large mouth. Then they did a fishing show and the lake got rapped and died and you would see fools with stringers full of 4lb+ and people don't think how long a small lake can sustain that.

The MNR was actually doing an investigation about the massive die off but it's not hard to figure it out when you see 100's of boats fishing a lake that small.

Trout are stocked in Eugenia and Bass are only C&R now.

How about bells instead?
Where abouts is bells lake? Is it a public lake? What fish are in it?

I have a cottage on Lake eugenia which is why that's my main focus. It's catch and release for bass and trout. The trout aren't doing well now because they stopped stocking them years ago, but I have some spots where I can slam Brookies all day haha. As for the bass, when I was younger there were tons of huge large mouth, but now I rarely catch any now there's a lot of huge small mouth bass. Only time I really catch largemouth is accidentally in the winter. But usually I unhook then before they even come out of the hole since they are out of season I think. I just wanna know if it's true that pike are in there.
Same here, but the MNR says they are in there. I am hoping someone has seen them fingers crossed. I'd love to catch some