WTB: Good Quality Fly Tying Vise with Base Plate

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DAN 40

Mar 22, 2016
Mississauga, Ont, Canada
I'm looking for a well looked after quality brand fly tying vise with base plate.
I'm taking a few classes at Grindstone Angling and would like to continue it as a hobby.
Hopefully, I don't need to spend big money.

Thanks in advance.
I'm located in Mississauga.
Not sure what your budget is but see if you can find yourself a Peak Rotary vise. Even if it's brand new, you won't need to upgrade anytime in the next decade and the $150-$200 will be worth it.
The griffin vises are nice. I use a Montana Mongoose rotary that works really well. It also comes with a few extra features that you would find useful, like a bobbin, hackle gauge and a thread holder for rotary tying. I also like that it comes with a c clamp and a pedestal, although I don't think I've ever used the base.
DAN 40 said:
I took the plunge and bought an Anvil Apex. Decent reviews and a great price on Amazon sealed the deal.
Good call on the Apex. Bought mine at the start of the winter tying season, and has held up great. Im tying small trout streamers with ease and mainly focusing on small midge patterns down to a size 26 without any issues.