Good Bye

Ontario Fishing Forums

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JMatt1983 said:
Hate to see you go mrnoob, you were one of the good ones! for being 16 your maturity level is well beyond that and it showed in your posts. you will most definitely be missed
Thank you jmatt, you know how to contact me.
Bow Man said:
Cheers, FN it has not been the same around here with out you, and will not be the same with out you here. You are what I like to call "good people" All the best to you.

Bow Man
Thank you Bowman. All the best.
I'm sorry to hear about your legal issue, I hope that everything gets resolved.

You've been a great and valuable member here, sad to see you go... I hope that we see you again in the future - you will always be welcome here.

All the best!
openfire said:
I'm sorry to hear about your legal issue, I hope that everything gets resolved.

You've been a great and valuable member here, sad to see you go... I hope that we see you again in the future - you will always be welcome here.

All the best!
Thank you openfire. I'm not worried about the case, it's low stakes but a good learning experience.

Kleiner said:
Sad to see you leave, maybe we'll meet on the water some day...
You know how to contact me.
Hey Noobs, see ya around. You don't need to quit, just come back later when you can. Leave the account open, show up when you're ready and pick up from there. That's what I do. Call that a sabbatical...
Joel52 said:
Hey Noobs, see ya around. You don't need to quit, just come back later when you can. Leave the account open, show up when you're ready and pick up from there. That's what I do. Call that a sabbatical...
Thank you. I won't close my account but, it will be a long time until I'm back, if I am.
See yah around man. Thanks for contributing.

In reading your posts, I am shocked to find out you are 16!