April Vokey Podcasts

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Ha ha.
Careful Paul.
No humour on this site.
Serious fisher people only.
To each their own. Just like on the rivers.

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Right again.
Enjoy the summer species till the real season starts Nov.
Only kidding guys.
I have nothing against summer fun.
You should try browns..Im delving into them this year.. May - June should be fun..
Nice browns all summer xxxx way
And certain parts of the Xxxx.
Even certain parts of the ×××××
Enjoy researching .
Like specs a fella can be taken out divulging that info.
tossing, what's "xxxx" stand for? just so i'm sure i don't repeat it as well haha
Ha ha.
For the social no stick up their butt types I'm sure in time I can help out.I Have only been on here a few months and myself have never nor intend to ask for anything. I enjoy passing on tips to help out ALMOST anyone. Just seem to find a certain click on here who seem to think their better than everyone else. Believe me their arrogance isn't earned.
Hey Tossing Iron, for some reason I thought you live in Cobourg....my apologies got you mixed up with someone else.

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FrequentFlyer said:
very intelligent fisherwoman. i enjoyed her show shorelines on wfn, too bad they decided not to pick it p for another season
The podcast is pretty cool.. the last two i listened to were about the biology of steelhead.. not all applies since a lot is about west coast but pretty informative for sure.
Paul1913 said:
The podcast is pretty cool.. the last two i listened to were about the biology of steelhead.. not all applies since a lot is about west coast but pretty informative for sure.

yea, those would be her home waters, well BC and Australia now lol
Check out the Orvis on by Tom Rosenbower (sp ?).

He covers all types of topics but all fly fishing related.

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