April Vokey Podcasts

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Paul1913 said:
King of the river is good. I watch it on Tou.Tv. The French CBC streaming service. But it's in French. Less intermission

taught me a lot about fish behavior in the river. would love to spend a day with that guy
FrequentFlyer said:
taught me a lot about fish behavior in the river. would love to spend a day with that guy
Knowing how much access to the water costs there I can't imagine how much a 40 day trip would run $$$&
Paul1913 said:
Knowing how much access to the water costs there I can't imagine how much a 40 day trip would run $$$&
no kidding, $100 per day to enter the lottery to be able to fish a section of river
I enjoy the show.
When he talks of 200 to 400 fish runs makes my heart sink though.
And as mentioned fees to step in the river.
Hope that's not the real reason for this bring back the Atlantic in Ontario.
Just a bunch of rich wanting to get richer and start a pay to fish business here also?
tossing iron said:
I enjoy the show.
When he talks of 200 to 400 fish runs makes my heart sink though.
And as mentioned fees to step in the river.
Hope that's not the real reason for this bring back the Atlantic in Ontario.
Just a bunch of rich wanting to get richer and start a pay to fish business here also?

have you bothered to even the regulations for the gaspe bay and area atlantic salmon fishing? from your response, the answer is no. the runs are small during certain times of year, my boss has pictures from there 2 years ago with over 100 fish in a single pool

Quebec has some of the strictest regulations compared to ontario. did you know you're only allowed to catch 2 atlantics per day? not keep, but CATCH. means if you start fishing at 530, land 2 by 630, your day is done. its payed access yes, but its controlled access, think its no more than 2 or 3 anglers fishing at any given time in that section. if another person shows up, you are now on a 15 minute timer to rotate out. the river is also patrolled continuously by the river watchers who check tags, and licenses and to make sure you're allowed to be fishing that section.
You on full attack mode. Lol
I've never read their regs cause I could probably never afford to fish there.
That's my concern for what we do have here in Ontario.
License fees, fees to fish specific rivers and fees for mandatory guides are really not my goal for myself and my kids.
Demand and supply the goal for all these business vultures.
People love to fish.
How can we make money off that. Lol
That's the Capitalist way.
Already happening to the hunters.
less and less hunting allowed land every year.
Good buddy of mine father saw it coming years ago and bought his own moose and deer hunting properties.
I don't want to see fishing turned into a rich and elitist sport.
But by all means your entitled to your own opinion.
tossing iron said:
You on full attack mode. Lol
I've never read their regs cause I could probably never afford to fish there.
That's my concern for what we do have here in Ontario.
License fees, fees to fish specific rivers and fees for mandatory guides are really not my goal for myself and my kids.
Demand and supply the goal for all these business vultures.
People love to fish.
How can we make money off that. Lol
That's the Capitalist way.
Already happening to the hunters.
less and less hunting allowed land every year.
Good buddy of mine father saw it coming years ago and bought his own moose and deer hunting properties.
I don't want to see fishing turned into a rich and elitist sport.
But by all means your entitled to your own opinion.

well its either take steps to improve the future by having stricter regulations today, or have our natural resources raped today in order to have nothing for the future, the choice is yours. me i'd rather pay to ensure the bright future.

no, not on attack mode, just don't like ignorant @sshats like yourself who argue every small minute detail just for the sake of an arguement
Ha ha
Your beers are showing.
I'm not arguing anything.
Just want to keep what we have here in Ontario.
If over regulation and more fees are your goal by all means go for it.
Myself I only earn 70k a year. Can't afford the fees your willing to pay.
But yea more FEES are the answer.
And I'm the ignorant ******.
I make a bit less than you but I'd be more than willing to pay double every year for my fishing license. $25 is way too low a cost to keep out the dbags who ruin it for everybody else. You pay more for taking the family out for some fast food one time than you do annually on your license.

Hell an extra 25 a year if they spent all that extra money on actually enforcing the rules... after a few years the rule-breakers would be forced out or into deep hiding. Always watching over their shoulders for the next CO. I personally have NEVER run into a CO once in my life. I'm not out every day but 40-50 times a year for the last 12 years sure seems like I should have at least seen one.
BearInTheWoods said:
I make a bit less than you but I'd be more than willing to pay double every year for my fishing license. $25 is way too low a cost to keep out the dbags who ruin it for everybody else. You pay more for taking the family out for some fast food one time than you do annually on your license.

Hell an extra 25 a year if they spent all that extra money on actually enforcing the rules... after a few years the rule-breakers would be forced out or into deep hiding. Always watching over their shoulders for the next CO. I personally have NEVER run into a CO once in my life. I'm not out every day but 40-50 times a year for the last 12 years sure seems like I should have at least seen one

i agree, raise sport to 60 or 70 and conservation to 40 or 50, put the money back into the mnr. personally, i started fishing at 7 y/o, my dad would take us out every single weekend until i was strong enough to stand out in the st clair river with him to fish, then were out almost every single day from june to october. in nearly 25 years of fishing, i have seen 3 COs. 2 by boat, and one on land. very sad. around here one of the main problems is the under staffing. trout opener coincides with the opening of turkey season, which spreads our cos super thin. then again in the fall when the salmon start running, deer season opens
What we each make a year is really irrelevant.
The issue is the cost to the average angler when these rivers get privatized.
As far as the yearly license issue goes .
And I have mentioned this here before.
CONSERVATION license sold only.
At SPORT fishing license cost.
Huge difference than in funds collected.
The silent treatment.
Reminds me of my married years. Lol
Conflict resolution skills come with age.
Damn . That humour again
I solve my own issues. Lol
That comes with maturity also.
Loooooong out of high school.
I think we called it Brown nosing in my day.
Did I tell him FF..
Did I.
Are you my BFF now.
Are you.
I did good right?
Sad thing is.
Just read the whole thread.
People tend to get what they deserve.
Only thing worse than someone who can't argue their own point?
Is allowing someone else to do it for them.
Takes a real man to admit when their wrong.
I read the old threads on paying fees for this site
FF cried like a baby😆
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