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CBC: Immoral Salmon Milking... what do you think?

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#1 RonnieTO



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Posted 24 October 2017 - 07:34 PM

I remember the first time I went fishing on lake ontario west trib, I could smell rotting fish before i even got out the car to walked down to the water... horrible!

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#2 Ibstacle



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Posted 24 October 2017 - 09:54 PM

This happens on every trib

Its the best part about salmon season 

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#3 bharkasaig



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Posted 26 October 2017 - 09:48 PM

So I haven't been out too much but on the W. Lake Ontario trib I frequent I have given a quick visual check to every dead salmon I see and so far none have been gutted. Am I just in a magical area where anglers don't do this?

My preferred trib is very close to a much more popular trib. Is there a correlation - those who are gutting fish are all on the other trib?

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#4 bigugly



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Posted 26 October 2017 - 10:39 PM

While they are going to die anyway it is nice to release them hoping they will dump their eggs, I keep one a year for the eggs but that may come to an end as I'll just buy them instead. The smell of dead fish is going to be there anyway, get over it.

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#5 Guest_tossing iron_*

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Posted 26 October 2017 - 10:50 PM

They've lowered stocking numbers because of residential stank complaints.
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#6 Ibstacle



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Posted 26 October 2017 - 10:55 PM

They should stop stocking pacific salmon, and just stock rainbows, browns, and atlantics.

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#7 Guest_tossing iron_*

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Posted 26 October 2017 - 11:28 PM

Chinook are the bread and butter of the charter industry. Billions of dollars .
Even Atlantic's on average only spawn once or twice.
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#8 RonnieTO



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Posted 27 October 2017 - 07:46 AM

While they are going to die anyway it is nice to release them hoping they will dump their eggs, I keep one a year for the eggs but that may come to an end as I'll just buy them instead. The smell of dead fish is going to be there anyway, get over it.

So you are saying it's ok to cut the fish open remove their eggs leaving them to be rot on the river bank is ok?
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#9 RonnieTO



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Posted 27 October 2017 - 07:59 AM

This happens on every trib
Its the best part about salmon season

Interesting! So you also think removing the eggs and leaving the fish to rot along the river banks is ok and "is the best part of salmon season"
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#10 Ibstacle



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Posted 27 October 2017 - 08:29 AM

Interesting! So you also think removing the eggs and leaving the fish to rot along the river banks is ok and "is the best part of salmon season"


lol. I was joking

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    Rainbow Trout

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Posted 27 October 2017 - 10:55 AM

You are not doing anything wrong if you're going after roe on the river. As long as you know how to cure it, take the fish and dispose it the right way. Just do everything by the book and don't go over the limit.Not all carcasses in the river are caused by anglers. I've seen a raccoon drag a salmon out of water.

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#12 fishfreek



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Posted 27 October 2017 - 12:42 PM

A lot of fish die after being released as well. Just because it drifted back in the pool doesn’t mean it’s going to survive. I can’t believe how many small Salmon I saw yesterday belly up, unbelievable.
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#13 fisherman2280



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Posted 27 October 2017 - 12:59 PM

I personally don't think anyone should be aloud to fish a river once the runs start. Why not just let them do there thing?


As for dead fish they will eventually end up back in the food chain, just the way the world works.

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#14 Guest_tossing iron_*

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Posted 27 October 2017 - 01:16 PM

Catch 22
Anglers spend money.
Even items as small as hooks , floats , shot , coffee , gas .All business for somebody.
And to keep locals happy every fish taken home ,is one less rotting on the bank.
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#15 Ibstacle



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Posted 27 October 2017 - 01:18 PM

I personally don't think anyone should be aloud to fish a river once the runs start. Why not just let them do there thing?


As for dead fish they will eventually end up back in the food chain, just the way the world works.


If no one was allowed to fish for salmon in the river people would be very mad

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#16 Guest_tossing iron_*

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Posted 27 October 2017 - 01:32 PM

If no one was allowed to fish for salmon in the river people would be very mad

Your paying for those stocked fish also.
Major can of worms banning anything.
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    Rainbow Trout

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Posted 27 October 2017 - 01:40 PM

Again....some are painting all anglers in 1 brush...Not all anglers practice what's being discussed. a portion maybe. But really now...If you can catch a salmon, take home the fish, keep the roe...That is part of the game...not all people are willing to spend $$$ for 200 grams of roe...a good size salmon full of eggs can last 2 seasons.

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    Rainbow Trout

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Posted 27 October 2017 - 01:42 PM

If no one was allowed to fish for salmon in the river people would be very mad

Not only that...licenses bring in revenue...and salmon seasons generate a lot.

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#19 TheTallOutdoorsman



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Posted 27 October 2017 - 02:17 PM

Not to mention all the tickets handed out for illegal activities involving fishing! (snagging, limits, fishing seasons, etc)

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#20 Ibstacle



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Posted 27 October 2017 - 03:18 PM

Not to mention all the tickets handed out for illegal activities involving fishing! (snagging, limits, fishing seasons, etc)


yup. lol that probably brings in more revenue

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