Fall Perch in/near Port Dover..? From shore...?

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Jul 16, 2012
So I finally have a chance to head down around Port Dover, with my son, this week. I'm am a relative newbie to fishing and have never fished anywhere on Lake Erie, I'm usually up in Muskoka area (Pike, Bass). So the question is..should I even bother trying to shore fish for Perch while I'm there or is it too late in the season? It doesn't have to be Perch either, are the chances pretty good we will catch something other than Gobies this time of year? Any other good general ideas for fishing (lakes/rivers/towns and species) between Hamilton and Port Dover if Port Dover is a no go...?

Thank you.
So more poking around leads me to the conclusion we'd be better off elsewhere that Port Dover for Perch this late in the season.

Any general ideas in the Hamilton area, and beyond, as somewhere to take my son (15 year old) for the day, where we at least stand a chance of catching something? Not familiar with the fishing down that way at all but we have a chance to do some and I'd like to take advantage of it.
Hi Riverdale, welcome to OFF.

I know you mentioned Port Dover have you tried fishing off the pier?

The last time i was there I saw Anglers with bucket fulls... unfortunately I'm not sure what time of year it was and I've never targeted perch but I've caught them while going after other fish.

What area do you live, perhaps there are other places close to you that might be better for perch etc?

If you're up for a bit of an adventure hit some of the creeks. Salmon should be running (they are where I fish near Hamilton). Bit of a different fight from perch.
Can't beat personal service.
If you have a local fishing store near ya.
Drop in and they'll be more than happy to point you in the right direction.