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Phileas Fogg

Jan 1, 2018
Hello all. I'm new to the forums but from what I've seen so far there seems to be a lot of good information. I'm thinking about trying ice fishing for the first time and was looking for some advice on what terminal tackle I should be bringing with me for panfish.
Welcome to the forum! Similar to what Pump says, you dont need much to start with panfishing.

I would suggest a 28-32" Length rod (Light action so it can be used for perch if you want to target something more than panfish)

I recommend using 6lb line (ice line) as its universal for almost all species of fish.

Although Pump suggests a 500 size reel, I find the 1000 to be perfect - allows for some more line if you choose to fish in deeper waters (lakers/whitefish).

A 1000 Size reel will give you more flexibility and allow you to use your reel in the summer time if you choose to go for any ultra light fishing (perch/panfish/bass/etc).

One thing to note for fishing reels is that not all are "ideal" for winter use. Some reels freeze up easier than others and depending on if it uses lube or grease the performance may be effected.
Ok thanks for your help guys steps I just hope ice fishing isn't addictive.... I already have a fly tying
Lol, If you really want to know, you can tie flies for icefishing too, just a matter of what your targeting and where!

I personally like using small flies as droppers to spoons (spoons make a lot of attention to get them near, flies are the fishes bait of choice)

As I mentioned, Buy things that work in the worst of the winter cold, That way you can use it in the summer too and carry on your addiction to all the other types of fishing!

If you are looking at purchasing something specific, I am confident if you ask the people on this forum they will be more than happy to offer you their advice/reviews!