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  1. longsilver

    First year fishing, rod/reel advice

    I don't think you could have said anything quite as English, matches your avatar perfectly. And shouldn't it be always go down fishing?
  2. longsilver

    skunks dont count as reports right?

    I'm 0/4 right now. - Went ice fishing with a friend, froze for 5 hours never got a bite. Normally he would have at least a half dozen fish by then. -Tried float fishing for steelhead in mid march, the creek had frozen overnight and the thin skims of ice moving out were causing havoc after...
  3. longsilver

    Sheep Head

    Does anyone have any pictures of these beasts?
  4. longsilver

    skunks dont count as reports right?

    If skunks counted as reports I'd be well on my way towards the spring prize. I'm sorry to hear about your luck; but at least you've caught fish this year.
  5. longsilver

    Ganaraska River Steelhead Report - Example of an OFF Report

    Oh, and thanks openfire, based on your report I picked up two backs of the gulp minnows to try out. One rainbow like you were using and the other one smelt. Looks like it could be good once the season opens further up the creeks.
  6. longsilver

    Ganaraska River Steelhead Report - Example of an OFF Report

    Very interesting indeed. I tried out the 12.5' with the spinning reel for the first time yesterday at Wilmont Creek; no even a nibble though I'm staring to figure out how to fish with it, so I guess the day wasn't a complete loss.
  7. longsilver

    Spring 2008 Reporter Competition!

    Well good luck to everyone that competes, I'm likely out at least until you make a seperate report section for being skunked I'm now 0/4.
  8. longsilver

    Walleye Fishing with 1 to 2 hours away from GTA

    I'm definately going to get out there once or twice this year; I'll let you know.
  9. longsilver

    Best BASS Fishing Lakes in Ontario

    Sweet, my uncle and aunt live next to it in battersea! Road trip!
  10. longsilver

    Trout Season Opeaner Spots -Suggestion

    How far north do you go Djcake? Where do you access it from? I'm new to wilmont as of jan 1'st this year
  11. longsilver

    Ganaraska River Steelhead Report - Example of an OFF Report

    ah, that makes sense then. I can do something similiar with my 12.5 and spinning reel I just have to pay it out by hand.
  12. longsilver

    Fishing Knots

    Here's a good site, little animations that I find very helpful. Just use the pull down menu labeled fishing knots.
  13. longsilver

    Preparing Rainbow Roe

    I know that meat won't/shouldn't last in the fridge for a year, but then again I'm likely pickier than a rainbow. I've also heard of curing them. In fact I have a friend that smokes them.
  14. longsilver

    Trout Season Opeaner Spots -Suggestion

    It's certainly less built up and if you don't mind a walk you're not going to run into many other people. I'll be the tall guy in the red hat. With or without his tackle caught in an overhanging tree.
  15. longsilver

    Why do Geese cross the road ?

    I'm seriously in favour of a cull with special tags being issued and some of the geese being donated to feed the hungry. It's ironic you posted that tonight Mikey Mikey; a friend and I were talking about the effects that firing rifles at geese at lake level would have.
  16. longsilver

    Ganaraska River Steelhead Report - Example of an OFF Report

    Hmm, I'm either misreading this or missing how a center pin/drifting reel works. What I understand from what you've written is this; that you can cast upstream and the center pin reel will take up the slack as your float comes back past you and then on it's own pay it back out? How does it pick...
  17. longsilver

    Gas reaches $112 a barrel!

    500 whp in a civic? Woah. Tube chassis and non-stock internals I bet. What drivetrain were you running.
  18. longsilver

    New to this site!

    Hahha, another one, I'm thinking I should go back and change my name to Bvillefish007 or something. Welcome to the site. I was down at bowmanville creek today where it crosses under longworth (not fishing but taking the dog for a walk) and in a period of about 10 minutes I counted four bows...
  19. longsilver

    X-Rap Shad

    Just as a public service annoucement; I checked Gagnon's today and they don't have the xrap subwalk or either of the xrap or traditional skitterwalk. They do have about five different skitterpops but that's if for surface rapala's.
  20. longsilver

    X-Rap Shad

    I thought it was neutral buoyant? From what you've written it sinks while not moving?