Why do Geese cross the road ?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2006

Well today afternoon, I drove to Bass Pro Shop via Hwy 400.

About several hundred meters before the exit to BPS at Hwy 400. I noticed that all of sudden there was bout 2 or 3 geese starting flying across hwy 400(N) right from the shoulder of the highway at ground level. It happened about 100meters in front of me. I just knew that something crazy was going to happen.
It felt like it all happened in slow~motion~... as those big geese started flappin' they wings and seeing few cars just drove by fast enough to miss them. Yet there it was... big 18-wheeler coming at them... trucker did kinda thought about hitting the breaks &/or turn lanes but it wasn't an option as there was several vehicles around it.
Next thing you know... kapow! Splat! Smack! Blood! Two geese got clipped by the front of the truck than got ran over by it's main wheels and trailer wheels... It literally made the truck trailer kinda jump?bump up.
Next thing I see is geese head just being torn off from it's body and smashed to the road and other one was as bad of a mess. Yes it is sad but it was very cool & neat to watch :?: .

All I thought at that momment was... Thank God it wasn't a passenger vehicle that smashed it because it could have very well caused some serious accident on the road.... than again I don't know where those chopped up geeses rolled to... vehicles coming from behind might have hit it.
Hope no car & human got hurt.

Sorry dumb geese for taking off right across the high 400 at ground level.

This also remind me of another geese attack I saw few years ago at Highway 404. There was a geese flying over the 404 but there was one of those hawks? of whatever bird chasing and attacked the geese right on top of the road!
It litterally attacked it's next and I could see geese next just going limp instantly and falling toward the middle of north & south bound... that grass area. That was very neat to see aswell.
Sorry geese, you are no match for bird with claws.
:?: Wow. That's insane! I wish I was there to see it though, it would've been pretty cool even though its a sad thing to see. Thank god no one got hurt during this incident. I wonder what the hell the geese were thinking!
I'm seriously in favour of a cull with special tags being issued and some of the geese being donated to feed the hungry.

It's ironic you posted that tonight Mikey Mikey; a friend and I were talking about the effects that firing rifles at geese at lake level would have.
sorry, i had to...
(this is from last summer... near rice lake)



fsh said:
Did you take those pictures yourself chibi?

yep! but then i guess now i have to admit i also ended up scaring them into the water by following them d=
chibi said:
fsh said:
Did you take those pictures yourself chibi?

yep! but then i guess now i have to admit i also ended up scaring them into the water by following them d=

That is a big bunch, 40+ babies. Do you think they were babysitting, if not that must have been a huge nest of eggs.
Wow, thats crazey, that is a huge mess of babies. I have had my problems with geeze here in Burlington. I think the worst is the big white Swans, they sworm me at the Marina I fish at becuase too many people some and throw bread to them, so when a fisherman somes down they all flock over to investigate. I luckily have not been sh^& on yet, lol but I have seen some guys that got a nice suprize down the back of their necks or on their heads. Geeze are definaltey over populated now, I thnk it has something to do with the ozone layer or something, they just dont migrate like they used too, I dont know just a theory. But I see more and more, and it is getting pretty gross to go fishing and have to walk threw 10lbs of geese sh$^ to get to the shore. I bring my dog, he loves hunting them, and they dont intimidate him at all.
Nice to see a couple eat rubber every once in a while, sad but it is what it is.
Baby sitting would be my guess as thats a lotta babies,

Mothers pond has two families on it every year and they take turnes with the babies & work together to keep both families safe.

Tough buggers they stand up to a German Sheppard no problem!
I know im still new, but im getting the feeling that MikeyMikey has a dark side that only some of you know about.
lol perhaps someone needs to do a little hunting in their spare time, lol.
fsh said:
chibi said:
fsh said:
Did you take those pictures yourself chibi?

yep! but then i guess now i have to admit i also ended up scaring them into the water by following them d=

That is a big bunch, 40+ babies. Do you think they were babysitting, if not that must have been a huge nest of eggs.

yep definitely babysitting. geese have communal parenting.
MikeyMikey said:
geese have communal parenting

All these time I thought geese just like to make babies :)

haha. from my observations, they have at least 2 clutches of eggs per year... though i could be wrong. the clutches are usually anywhere from 5-8???

i gotta say though. geese are so damn mean. this includes regular days when they are not defending their babies. when i was in high school, there used to be one who guarded the main front doors. we had to maneuver around him/her. good thing they are easily distracted haha.
chibi said:
MikeyMikey said:
geese have communal parenting

All these time I thought geese just like to make babies :)

haha. from my observations, they have at least 2 clutches of eggs per year... though i could be wrong. the clutches are usually anywhere from 5-8???

i gotta say though. geese are so darn mean. this includes regular days when they are not defending their babies. when i was in high school, there used to be one who guarded the main front doors. we had to maneuver around him/her. good thing they are easily distracted haha.

Lol. Are you serious?! For some reason, every time i approach one, they always tend to walk/run away :D. It would be so cool if i had to maneuver around them >.
kennyhman said:
Lol. Are you serious?! For some reason, every time i approach one, they always tend to walk/run away :). It would be so cool if i had to maneuver around them >.
i wonder why there so mean too???? never figured it out but i just leave them alone.