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Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. Sebastien Capel

    Looking At Some New Spinning Combos. NEED HELP!!

    This is excellent advice. I too have come full circle over 25yrs of fishing. I would recomend that whatever you buy, you get a graphite rod, and for a reel, well anything will do, but I'd recomend a shimano. I've had many different reels over the years, and only the shimanos still work.
  2. Sebastien Capel

    Fish in the 416

    I 100% agree with not sharing spots. Having lived outside of ontario for 8 yrs and returning home, I find myself consistently getting upset with what I see. I constantly find the white bucket brigade fishing in areas where they were no where to be found before, places where only locals used to...
  3. Sebastien Capel


    I have a couple fly rods, 4w and 6w. Couple spinning rods, med and light action, basically I have everything covered, short of steelie gear. I've even got some old baitcasting gear but I haven't been using that stuff in a long time.
  4. Sebastien Capel

    Lake Wilcox - Aquarium Carp?

    I really wish people had more respect for our native fisheries. I really believe that the punishment for introducing non native species to any body of water should be heavy handed.
  5. Sebastien Capel

    so i almost caught a seagull today...

    I'm always worried about a gull taking my lure, hasn't happend to me yet (knock on wood). My brother caught a huge snapper once when we were kids, scared us both so we just cut the line and let it be.
  6. Sebastien Capel


    Hi everybody, new to this site and new to TO. I little about me, 32 recently moved back to Ontario after living in BC and Alberta for the past 7 or so years. Spent alot of time fly fishing out west, and hiking into back country rivers and streams for trout. I'm a 100% catch and release...
  7. Sebastien Capel

