so i almost caught a seagull today...

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Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2012
from time to time I see seagulls scoping out my lure as i cast them or on the retrieve.

Apparently today they were really hungry because one dived down and grabbed my husky jerk.. and flew away, i didn't know what to do so i just flipped the bail and let the seagull take line.. I was really scared that I had him hooked... it looked like I was flying a live kite...

anyway as I went to grab my knife to cut the line and luckily he let go of the lure.. so I guess he was never hooked at all.. just didn't wanna let go

i swear these things can only happen to me
apz245 said:
from time to time I see seagulls scoping out my lure as i cast them or on the retrieve.

Apparently today they were really hungry because one dived down and grabbed my husky jerk.. and flew away, i didn't know what to do so i just flipped the bail and let the seagull take line.. I was really scared that I had him hooked... it looked like I was flying a live kite...

anyway as I went to grab my knife to cut the line and luckily he let go of the lure.. so I guess he was never hooked at all.. just didn't wanna let go

i swear these things can only happen to me
Not just you. My Dad hooked a gull on Lake O years ago, he brought it close to the boat, but it was hooked. Cut the line about 5 ft from the boat.

haha, glad to hear its not only me..

i noticed him circling above and diving a few times to try and get it, but didn't think he'd actually succeed

i've always thought something like this might happen, as gulls show a ton of interest in lures, and now i know it happens
lol happened to me while fishing for sunfish when i was about 7 or 8 luckkily he didnt get hooked and just had a hold of the fish i had on my line and let go eventually but i noticed ducks and geese seem to be able to spot ur line in the water and go around it when there swimming damn seagulls are relentless sometimes for food
Oh wow man good thinking on opening the bail u probably save the gulls life.

My big fear is hooking loons...they spend so much time underwater its hard to know where they are when you're casting around them so I try to avoid it.
Your one lucky man! Never hooked a bird before, but I have snagged a turtle and a crab. :D

I've had the same experience with geese and ducks avoiding my line.
My dad got a gull last year when fishing at Bluffers Park. He casted and the Seagull flew into the lure while it was still airborne. The was now way of getting him free except fighting him in so I fought him in (great fighters BTW :p) cut the line and let him go.

Heres a video of it:
Honestly I have more success with 'gulls than with browns casting jointed good thing is I unbarb all the hooks and they seem to free themselves before i reel them close.
wow, this is apparently WAY more common than i imagined

giuga that's cool that you guys unhooked him and he was good to go after, what are the chances of actually hitting him midair? lol
have had a few close calls over the years with the gulls chasin after my lures as well , never caught one though.Have had ducks just graze my line while working a jig, normally they see the line and avoid it .
I'm always worried about a gull taking my lure, hasn't happend to me yet (knock on wood).

My brother caught a huge snapper once when we were kids, scared us both so we just cut the line and let it be.
Heres a thought.....if it is open duck season and you have a valid hunting license can you hunt for ducks with a hook and line? It would bring a whole new dimension to the sport lol.
I was fishing off a bridge in florida, some dark colored water. Surrounded by trees. I hooked a small bluegill. as I was reeling him in he came to the top of th water. A freaking hawk came down and swooped him away. I didnt know what to do my cousin tried to reel the bird in. I just took a step back. I know hawks are a bird of prey.

Some ranger came out of the woods and helped us, he had heard the hawk and came over to see. low and behold the line was wrapped around he hawks feet, this ranger took off his shirt (he was still in a tshirt) and blindfolded the bid got the line un tangled and set him free.

Something I will never forget!
iJay said:
I was fishing off a bridge in florida, some dark colored water. Surrounded by trees. I hooked a small bluegill. as I was reeling him in he came to the top of th water. A freaking hawk came down and swooped him away. I didnt know what to do my cousin tried to reel the bird in. I just took a step back. I know hawks are a bird of prey.

Some ranger came out of the woods and helped us, he had heard the hawk and came over to see. low and behold the line was wrapped around he hawks feet, this ranger took off his shirt (he was still in a tshirt) and blindfolded the bid got the line un tangled and set him free.

Something I will never forget!
lol, wow, now that's an incredible story.. good to hear that hawk was alright after all that..

the things that happen fishing..