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  1. driftman

    Hey Diggyj! The attack on Rice Lake continues!

    smaller ones taste better and I was trying to get the message across that large fish should be put back
  2. driftman

    Hey Diggyj! The attack on Rice Lake continues!

    Very nice fish but i think I would have kept the smaller ones for the table
  3. driftman

    What are you doing for bass opener?

    I used to fish there a lot but just north of the narrows south of big Chief
  4. driftman

    Bear Tricks

    Nobody finds this a little sad, a majestic bear being made to act like a clown for our amusement? :(
  5. driftman

    ojibway nature park photos

    great shots thanks FISHCHRIS
  6. driftman

    Miscalculations recalculated

    that last shot is unbelievable Dozer but you're driving everybody nuts with the first one....what is it? :razz:
  7. driftman

    So basically, fishing get's hot before the season opens.

    same with me chalkhorse, I've pulled in a lot of 4-5 pounders where I would usually get smaller fish, maybe this is the year of the smallmouth bass...anybody check the Chinese calender? :razz:
  8. driftman

    Pike "n" Panfish kind of evening

    no pumpkinseed? I thought they were everywhere
  9. driftman

    I brake for turtles!

    I think the best way to get them off the road is to slide them off using a stick but do it gently with respect for the's not a hockey puck :)
  10. driftman

    REVIEW: Simms Rivertek BOA Wading Boots after 150 days...UPDATE

    which boots do you have and what went wrong with them? also how old are they?
  11. driftman

    Help ID'ing lure

    I've never seen one of those before but I'll bet that it would really tic off a bass, but i'd be afraid to use it for fear of loosing it lol
  12. driftman

    I just picked up some old lure's.

    They are very similar with subtle differences
  13. driftman

    The Joy of Not Fishing

    Great response, thanks for being straight up
  14. driftman

    Fishing For Resies...whos down?

    Those would most likely be Blacknose Dace
  15. driftman

    This Crazy Lady

    to keep arguing with her would have been pointless, like knuguy said her mind was made up, you did great and she might actually read up on it a little.
  16. driftman

    The Joy of Not Fishing

    it's a catch of a lifetime, I hate to admit it but I think I would need a hero shot B). I know it's wrong but..... :(
  17. driftman

    The Joy of Not Fishing

    I'll assume that you wouldn't intentionally go out for Sturgeon so if you had one on it would be an incidental catch therefore your your gear would be very light for sturgeon, would you still fight the long fight, knowing it was a sturgeon, bring it in, snap a picture and release it? This...
  18. driftman

    Breathable waders $100 off

    Ronnie I apologize, sometimes I'm very near sighted and don't take enough time to realize that everybody has their own situation, I hope that everything turns out well for you.
  19. driftman

    Favourite lure of all time

    Favorite lure is probably a mepps aglia long but I think that my most productive lure would be a plastic twister tail on a jig head
  20. driftman

    Breathable waders $100 off

    RonnieTO, I didn't come on this forum to argue with you but you keep trying to put words in my mouth, you keep writing the word REAL as though I wrote it first and you're throwing it back in my face, barbed wire? terrorizing sheep? you really went off on a tangent there. Your entire post has...