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Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. G

    anybody home?

    Wagwan iJay...
  2. G

    Port Hope

    I was there on the morning of the 17th, at about 5 am my buddy landed one, it was his first salmon, and about 30mins later I pulled in a nice sized hen. It seemed to be pretty busy (with fish, not ppl). I met sombody from this board who had just caught his first there as well...
  3. G

    Hook setting

    Try sharpening your hooks, even new ones out of the package can use a little honing. I keep a little hook sharpener with me at all times.
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    HNIC theme song contest

    have any of you checked out the theme song contest entries?? there's a few good ones and a lot of bad ones. you can check them out here: can't wait til voting starts(Oct.4th I think), even wifey made an entry: if you...
  5. G

    We sponsor Bob Izumi... ??

    Bob's great I met him & his brother in the 80's while fishing with my dad and again in 01(I think) and on both occasions he seemed really nice and willing to talk and give tips/pointers.
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    I'm speaking more so of the owners (yes I know them), their business ethics are terrible. When their dad was still owner, it was great but I feel they've ruined the business. Very similar to Wal-mart in regards to the pressure they put on their suppliers in regards to other fishing stores. Also...
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    Lets see your biggest catch pics!

    Here's a 24lb catch from the Ganny
  8. G


    The service there is great!!, and they seem to know their stuff...
  9. G

    How did you find this forum ? (To all new members)

    Craigslist as well for me, who doesn't like free schwag?? (but seriously I've been looking for something like this for a bit)
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    Preparing Rainbow Roe

    I got some Brownie roe from last year, and yeah it's like candy to Steelies!
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    In the past few years their customer service has really dropped off. It seems like they're resting on the name they've made for themselves. I'd much rather spend my money at Bass Pro or Fishing Depot...
  12. G

    New members, Introduce yourselves here! Welcome Wagon Gifts!

    Hey all, just wanted to say that this is a great site......kinda new to serious fishing, so I might have a lot of questions..but nvm...HI!! Gotta Get A Gator!!!