We sponsor Bob Izumi... ??

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Well-Known Member
Sep 19, 2006

Bob is the rudest fisherman I have ever meet. Everyone has nothiung but bad things to say about that fool where I come from.
He did a lot of shows up my way and everyone hates that ^&$&

Save the coin and sponsor yourself because bob is a %^$#

Note: He keeps fish in the live well for the show I aint kiddin it's totally true believe it or not two years ago there he was cheeting for the show I swear to GOD thats true!
Man, my uncle met the guy a few times and he said he was the nicest guy ever... maybe you just saw him on a bad day. And as for the fish in the live well... its TV, maybe they do have "cheater" fish, but who cares, makes for good TV, not like the guy cant fish
Artificial Bait,,,plastic tubes with "skirt" witch you would use with a jig head..hook with a lead bead attached as a head, makes the tube sink to the bottom...can also put a tube on a floating jig head, styrofoam head rather than lead.
(I guess most good ones are not lead anymore but you get hte idea)
hope this helps
I think that OFF is the insect repellent brand. Anyways tubes are used to stimulate crayfish and are grubs with frills at the end and are great to use for small mouth in the fall.
lol I think it was a april fools joke, we all know its OFF mosquito repellent :) although its kinda funny that hes in someways promoting us with that logo :)

Spinninreel, that was the Canadian Sport Fishing guys, Italo & Henry (now just Italo) used to love that show, still do, it was sad that they did that + it ended their business partnership, it seems tho that they have since moved on.

As for Bob Izumi, I haven't met the guy personally but I've heard from other local fishermen that have met him, that he really is the nicest guy they've met. Again, I would really hate to judge the guy without actually meeting him in-person first. Also about keeping fish in the livewell for the filming, that I don't mind, since I've read of a couple fishing show hosts doing much worse, a guy named "Muskybill" that used to post a lot of good reports on another board mentioned once (a couple years ago) he saw the "FNC" guys doing some filming around their usual milk-run spots on Lake Scugog or another lake nearby, he fished for a bit while watching them, he noticed they were doing the samething, but worse, they were actually doing takes with the fish still HOOKED over & over !! He couldn't believe it, his boat drifted a bit closer which gave him a better view of them fishing, when he got closer they noticed him watching them, and actually tried hiding what they were doing, he even gave them kinda a dirty look like "how pathetic lol". Now I don't know about you, but what's worse, Bob putting the fish in the livewell unhooked for later to show-to the camera, or keeping the fish hooked like these brainiacs and taking take after take. In comparison, they make Bob look like the experienced angler. Again this is just my opinion from what I've overall heard from other sources.
Bigfisherman said:
Was it Bob Izumi or some one else that was caught fishing & filming an episode in a fish santuary?

I think that was Hank Wazchuck and Italo Labignan from Canadian sportfishing...(not 100% sure)

nice, I guess i posted a little late... :)
Bob's great I met him & his brother in the 80's while fishing with my dad and again in 01(I think) and on both occasions he seemed really nice and willing to talk and give tips/pointers.
ya i met him when he was making a show on walleye on the pickerel river in the 90s always happy to talk about fishing and food lol
it was hank wazchuck from the fishing show canadian sport fishing hank now has a show called fins n skins based in florida and im 100% sure it was him saw the episode that yous are talking about
surprised he could get a new show after that happening!!!!
as for bob hes a nice guy
I have met Bob personally and got to go fishing with him and my grandfather for a full day on Bay of Quinte waters for walleye and I have to say when all the cameras are off he's a pretty cool guy. How it happend was my grandfather is an avid angler and beat bob at the Kwanas fishing derby out of belleville about 5/6years back, I was really young but I remember getting a call to come to my grandpa's and Bob was sitting in his living room. After the derby he told my grandpa he would like to know the spots he caught all his fish and my grandpa told him the only way he would ever find out is to go out with him and see. My grandpa had an old 14ft aluminum, and a 20hp merc, and beat bob with his thousands of dollars worth of everything and fishfinders.lol. I wasa pretty sweet day got to go in his boat and got alot of free gear, I still have the poster he signed for my grandpa congradulating him on his win on the derby, grandpa got a new lund boat out of the deal and i got a great day of fishing with a guy that i watched on tv.
I am sure he can be an ass, but when i met him he was a really cool guy, but i have to say his laugh bugs the $hit out of me, lol