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Ontario Fishing Forums

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    Ontario Bass Opener Contest

    Some entries are trickling in, and we have some nice fish coming in. dont forget to email your entries to [email protected]
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    Ontario Bass Opener Contest

    ITS OPEN!!!!!! Good Luck Everyone, dont forget your cameras and tape measures etc. We have Lots of great prizes for everyone. Nitro Lures has also jumped in with a dozen spinnerbaits and crankbaits as well. After you all go out there and catch all the HOGS dont forget to email your pictures to...
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    Ontario Bass Opener Contest

    This is a FUN little contest. If you are going to be out at a cottage with no net access, email me your pics anyway (late) and see what happens, you may just get rewarded anyway :wink:
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    Ontario Bass Opener Contest

    so people have less of a chance of sending pics from the sunday just to win a few prizes. the way i see it, it doesnt really take that long to email a few pics (never has for me anyway) and most will send them sat night.
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    Ontario Bass Opener Contest

    Bass only. Largemouth or Smallmouth. and you can fish where ever you want in ontario, as long as you are legal. I hope to see some good pics.
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    Ontario Bass Opener Contest

    Thanks guys, Ive still got a few more prizes to list and get pics for. as far as signing up, It is absolutely FREE!, all you have to do is email me your pics on the 26th and until noon on the 27th. we will go through them and determine the winners. Remember as well to take a kid fishing as we...
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    Ontario Bass Opener Contest

    I stopped by Strictly's today and picked up a grab bag of stuff from Charlie and Gord. and hit Big Catch Outdoors in Belle River, Dave and Don also Donated a Custom made fillet knife by Skips Custom Knives complete with hand made leather sheath, and an Abso Grip. I would like to thank...
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    Ontario Bass Opener Contest

    I would also like to thank Andy Copland of Just Fish Guide Service, he has generously donated a Bass charter on Lake St Clair for 2, i think this will make a kid very happy. You can visit Andy's site to see the rig you will be going in and what you will need to bring at...
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    Ontario Bass Opener Contest

    Just a quick update, picked up some things from Dixie Tackle and CL Fishin. Carl was generous enough to donate 10 of his new Premium Spinnerbaits. Laurie also pulled through with a few Dixie Tackle shirts and a Flambeau 2061 Hainging Bait Bag. some key features • Multi-directional hanging...
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    Ontario Bass Opener Contest

    Hey guys, just wanted to note that we have even more prizes coming in, we have added Dixie Tackle in St Thomas, Pro Tackle in Wallaceburg & Erieau, and Subway to the list of prizes. this contest is FREE to enter and is intended to be FUN for the whole family, get your kids out and catch them...
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    Ontario Bass Opener Contest

    just so everyone knows, this is FREE!!!!!!! to enter. all you have to do is catch some bass and send in your pics. thats it.
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    Ontario Bass Opener Contest

    The Ontario Bass opener is fast approaching, and in speaking with a couple other of the tackle manufacturers we have decided to have a Fun little online Bass fishing Contest with a few Prizes. This contest will be held on Saturday June 26th 2010 (the opening day of the bass season). The...
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    Ive had the molds cut by a Machinist out of aluminum. Major updates have been posted on our website as well. ... eFlyer.jpg ... tFlyer.jpg
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    musky trip location???

    try coming down to Lake St Clair, it is absolutely on fire with large musky. just this weekend a team fishing the MOMC tourny landed a 54"x26" 44 1/2lb brute
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    Do you have fishing equipment to sell?

    Nice, i like it
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    Anyone getting The Strike?

    awesome, im gonna look for it
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    2009 Rice Lake POKER RUN

    get out there and fish it LOL
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    I've been waiting on a reply from one of the Mods and the Admins regarding a promo. If i wait any longer i wont be ably to run it at all. We curently have a special on right now, $1.00 off on selected baits, Any OFF member that wishes to purchase any of these specials from us, include the Code...
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    thanks, yeah, he guaranteed at least one this fall. im not paying him, just a buddy that regularly fishes for steel.
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    Hi there, my name is Dave, just joined a week or 2 ago. I love fishing for bass, pike, musky, walleye and perch/panfish. I hope to get my first report up soon. I also have my first steelhead/salmon trip planned this fall, i dont know where or when but am being guided by a friend who guarantees i...