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Active Member
Sep 6, 2009
Hey guys, just wanted to post some pics of the plastics I pour here.

this would be our 6" Trick worm, 5"Wacky Worm and Mud Bug ... udio/4.jpg ... io/3-1.jpg

Beaver Claw ... e647-1.jpg

FrawgZ (in White Belly) ... ure818.jpg

3" Goby ... e656-1.jpg

Split Tail (jig Trailer) ... e658-1.jpg

5.5" Lizzard ... e671-2.jpg

7" Wacky Worm (beside the standard 5") ... e665-1.jpg

our wacky worms (senko's) do not contain that so called magic ratio of salt that the senko's have, but we put quite a bit in there, we have found that you get a better wiggle without a ton of salt and the baits hold up better. what we do use though is out own blended scent, both the salt and scent are cooked in with the plastic.

thanks for listening.
Nice plastics. In the end, is it cheaper to pour your own plastics or is it cheaper to just buy them by the packs?
frozenfire said:
That looks like quality work!
Do you sell to the public?

thanks, yes i do sell, currently they are available in the London, Chatham-Kent and Windsor area in several stores and will be available on my website when we launch it (very soon).

ec1 said:
Nice plastics. In the end, is it cheaper to pour your own plastics or is it cheaper to just buy them by the packs?

in the quantities i buy the materials, yes. but im buying 50 gal of plastic at a time, if i was pouring for myself then no to be honest. its not that cheap to buy yourself a gal of plastic and ship it to canada. guys that get into pouring to save money find out real fast, the money you spend to get that first CNC aluminum mold could have bought you a few bags of baits. if I wasnt in this for a business, i wouldnt be pouring LOL.
anyway its a jig-and-pig