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Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. Cramden

    Success at Lake Nipissing

    Normally just after the walleye open, we go out to the flats on the lake. North of Berry Isle. and west of Grand Trunk Isle. Not even a nibble out there. This year the walleye were in Callander Bay in the bay on the south side of Smith Isle. The bay is across from Glen Echo Cottages. Depending...
  2. Cramden

    Are walleye Gulping Aliving?

    Tried using Gulp Alive and should have listened to Cypher's advise. Left the container in my new $124.00 tackle box and it leaked untill dry. I now have a tackle box that reeks! Never caught anything on it either. Just so you know.
  3. Cramden

    French River Bugs?

    I know this is a bit pricey, but ThermaCELL really works. It's a bit pricey, but worth every cent. You just strap it near where you are and turn it on. Amazing results. Lots of links on UTUBE.
  4. Cramden

    Success at Lake Nipissing

    Well, it was a trip to remember. Had my three long time buddies join me for the Walleye opener at Calandar Bay, Lake Nipissing and we were not to be dissapointed. Will try my first report when all the pics are in and I have more time. . Most walleye were either at the legal slot limit or larger...
  5. Cramden

    Question on Lemon Flavoured Tackle

    I had my box sit for a year after a lake trout trip. Remenants of salted minnows and black flies. Just about passed out when I opened the box. Some of the stuff was rusted. Had to toss a few things, but most was saved. Hot water, detergent and heavy on the liquid bleach and elbow grease. took...
  6. Cramden

    Are walleye Gulping Aliving?

    Still new to the forum and appreciate all the info. Will be heading up to Lake Nipissing next week for walleye and hope to try my first report. I'm also trying the new Gulp Alive bait for the first time and was wondering if any of you have had any success with it. I've never had much success...
  7. Cramden

    shimano voltaeus

    Le Baron is a bad word in our house. Never had good service from them. Tried to return a bad reel that was used once and all I got was static. Never thought they cared wether you were their customer or not. Bass Pro opened and after many purchases, I've never looked back. They know what their...
  8. Cramden

    Nipissing Conditions?

    Thanks Reefrunner. We usually fish the Flats just after openning with the other hundred boats and with great success. I'm just concerned about the balmy weather this year and if they've moved to deeper water after turnover. Will get some pics and let you know how it is. Taking the young nephews...
  9. Cramden

    Nipissing Conditions?

    Hello all. Been watching this forum for a while and decided to jump in. Many years at lure fishing and getting into river fishing ( fly and centre pin ) fishing this year. Will be heading up to Lake Nipissing the end of May - first of June for walleye opening around Calander Bay and wondering...