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Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. S

    Just found this forum

    Hello and welcome to the forum I am from hawkestone just off of lake simcoe awasome place to fish!
  2. S

    new to the forum

    Welcome im new to but i am learning lots! im sure you will to.
  3. S

    Steelhead and beautiful women.......Perfect

    Awasome video! beautiful girls and country!
  4. S

    nice little catch 11am on roe sac

    wow lucky you were there to net that one for him....good to hear there is still a lot of people out there willing to lend a helping hand! Nice catch.
  5. S

    Newbie from Lake Simcoe (Hawkestone)

    Ya no doubt eh lol.....I am hoping to get out on the lake as much as I can when ice fishing season starts I hear it is amazing up this way! But until then could you please tell me the rivers I can fish at and how to get to where they allow fishermen to fish on? like at the Thames River they have...
  6. S

    Newbie from Lake Simcoe (Hawkestone)

    Hello everyone! My name is Tyler I am a 21, male who just recently move up here from London Ontario and I am looking to pick up the sport I have fished quite a bit before on the Big Otter River, Thames River etc...but up here I have found it very hard to fish with no boat. I would like to...