Newbie from Lake Simcoe (Hawkestone)

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Sep 5, 2011
hawkestone (lake simcoe)
Hello everyone!

My name is Tyler I am a 21, male who just recently move up here from London Ontario and I am looking to pick up the sport I have fished quite a bit before on the Big Otter River, Thames River etc...but up here I have found it very hard to fish with no boat. I would like to know/find some hot spots on some of the local rivers or where I can go fishing without a boat so any help there would be greatly appreciated.

Hope to hear from you soon!
HI local!
Make friends with a guy with a boat....though there is some good rivers that hold salmon and trout not far from you, your best local action will be on simcoe for bass, perch and pike. Very soon the huge jumbo perch will be in kempenfelt and you'll be able to catch them off shore close to the fountain.
Ya no doubt eh lol.....I am hoping to get out on the lake as much as I can when ice fishing season starts I hear it is amazing up this way! But until then could you please tell me the rivers I can fish at and how to get to where they allow fishermen to fish on? like at the Thames River they have sections closed off just for fishing and there is places along there were we cannot go is that what its like up here?

P.S Thankyou for the reply