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Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. Chumminit

    Anyone work at Bruce Power?

    Hi guys, I hope to one day end up working at Bruce power so I can live and fish near such a beautiful part of Ontario. I was wondering what it is like working at Bruce power and if anyone working there takes full advantage of fishing along the Huron?
  2. Chumminit

    Fishing App I designed

    Hi guys A year ago me and a buddy designed this fishing app for iphone and was wondering what you guys think. We are looking to improve it and get more serious with it. So any suggestions or feedback?
  3. Chumminit

    where to buy float fishing gear online?

    Hi guys What are some good online shops for float fishing gear? any good Canadian sites?
  4. Chumminit

    Help with steelhead setup...

    Keep an eye out for Kijiji ads Last month I picked up a G.loomis GLX 13' 3 piece with an Islander Searun reel all for 350$...they had it posted for more but I made the offer and it was the best deal...used lightly only 2 season. Im sure you can find a great setup on your budget
  5. Chumminit

    Fish Attractant Sprays/Scents..who uses them?

    thanks guys....gave me an idea.....gonna try soft baits...(no spray,spray on before cast, and soak over night)...Unless i'm slamming them in on one of these options, thats the only way to figure it out.
  6. Chumminit

    Bassassins - Streamside & KAMAKAZI Give Away

    Very Cool....Hope I win this
  7. Chumminit

    Your Biggest/Most Memorable Catch

    Steelhead on a centerpin - This was the first steelhead I had caught on a center-pin float setup. I have been steelhead fishing casually (spin reel) but couldn't afford to get more serious. My car broke down so instead of fixing it I sold it for 500$ and got a used Kingpin R2 and a custom G...
  8. Chumminit

    Fish Attractant Sprays/Scents..who uses them?

    Hi guys, I was just wondering what you guys think if fish attractant sprays/liquids/scents? Are you guys using them every time or do you believe its not worth the effort and money. I have always seen them in shops just wanted to know if its worth trying.
  9. Chumminit

    Walleye on the Grand

    Caught three in last years tournament...used a live leech and crayfish combo.....look for the deep holes above Waterloo
  10. Chumminit

    19 Lbs Channel Cat

    Hi just wanted to share my biggest Catfish I caught off Georgian Bay. For bait I used a piece of a sucker that was dead on the shore.......dat smell Enjoy Just a bit over 19Lbs Cheers
  11. Chumminit

    Grand River Bass Derby

    I will be joining. Was in it last year...its very well organized and lots of cool prizes. Caught a 16Inch last year as my biggest...but you need at least a 19 to be in top 5. But also caught 3 walleye in the grand during that tournament.
  12. Chumminit


    Hi I have been a reader for a while and feel it is now time to start posting. I am from the Kitchener Waterloo area and do my fishing all around South Western Ontario. I have been fishing for many years and have good friends and mentors that have shared much of their knowledge which I will...