Your Biggest/Most Memorable Catch

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Tiago said:
Wouldn't surprise me if this thread already exists, but I couldn't come across it.

What was your biggest and/or most memorable catch and why?
State date, lake, species, size and what you used to catch it.
Not mine but a huge catch by Dad, I have caught bigger but this was memorable.
We flew into a Lake near Temagami. Set up camp and decided to try a few casts first night. Dads first cast went over a tree branch, he yanked his line and freed it and immediately a huge Bass hit his Rapala. It was about 7 lbs.
He brought it in and made the remark, If fishing is going to be this good I'll let this one go, we'll get some for the table tomorrow.
We caught nothing for the next 3 days.
We did finally find them the last 2 days.

I attached a few photos of my all time catches. Largemouth bass was just under 10 pounds. Smallmouth were all my 3 biggest smallmouth ever caught in 1 day which was really neat and exciting.(still waiting for them to be mounted). The pike was around 26 inches. and the crappie wasnt measured but I am sure we can all agree that is a huge crappie.


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18 years ago, fishing with my 4 year-old daughter. Flat water, early evening, figured if I put a jitterbug on and put it over a large weedbed we really couldn't go wrong. Cast out, gave it a bit of a burble, and turned to give the rod to Meagan and tell her that she might get a fish... SMASH!!! The rod was almost pulled out of my hands, and the fight was on. Turned out to be a muskie, 42 1/2 inches, 21 1/4 lbs. If I had handed the rod to her a second earlier she would have been waterskiing for the next few hours.
biggest:30lb+ salmon on centre pin
fav catch: the trout that climbed a tree, hooked into it, fish jumped 4ft out of the water over top of 2 over hanging branches, managed to avoid the snags and landed it

most memorable: fishing with my dad on a trip to mitchells bay when i was 10, landed my first pike, 12lbs, not a giant, but when you're 10 and feel like the rod is going to break or the fish is going to pull you over, its huge
Most memorable catch was probably 5 years ago...just back fishing after a very long hiatus. No budget so bought myself a cheap combo from walmart. Cheap combo - 8lb(cheap line) - round bobber - take note: all of the rig came with the combo in a small tackle box. bait: night crawler. Thief: 10 lb. brown trout. Up to this day. i can't believe I landed it. Appreciated how beautiful it was...and let it go. That actually got me back into fishing again...extremely.
I have caught my share of fish over the years but I like to think my largest and most memorable are still waiting for me.
river55 said:
I have caught my share of fish over the years but I like to think my largest and most memorable are still waiting for me.
That's the spirit, me too.

Dave Bailey said:
If I had handed the rod to her a second earlier she would have been waterskiing for the next few hours.

Most memorable is my PB brookie from Nipigon. It was my first time there and the area just blew my mind, heaven on earth. Then came the brookie. Ontario is so beautiful.
many moons ago I caught a 34lb Chinook out of the Humber on a combo that was a little worse than the combo rich_ace_G describes lol
Dozer said:

Most memorable is my PB brookie from Nipigon. It was my first time there and the area just blew my mind, heaven on earth. Then came the brookie. Ontario is so beautiful.
Hopeing for a PB Brookie there in August.

I gotta say it was last summer . Took my gurl and my young niece fishing at a spot i go to regularly. My niece was happy catching rock bass all day. Which made me happy seeing. But then i felt a thud on my rod. I thought i hsd a snag till it started moving sideways hahah the fight was on it was a.5.5 pd small mouth. Ever since im.on the lunker hunt.
for me my biggest so far is chinook salmon in 2012 est 15-20# range, got it on spoon.Most memorable i have a few but last year got pb smallie 4+lbs and was able to fight and land my first steelhead on cp setup, as mentioned above looking forward to more in the future. :D
Steelhead on a centerpin - This was the first steelhead I had caught on a center-pin float setup. I have been steelhead fishing casually (spin reel) but couldn't afford to get more serious.
My car broke down so instead of fixing it I sold it for 500$ and got a used Kingpin R2 and a custom G. loomis IMX. I had also made a bet that I would land my first fish the first day I try centre-pin angling....and I did. I now have the picture framed on my wall with a 10$ bill signed for my winnings.
most memorable: my first Salmon, caught when I was a real newbie! I remember I I was shaking out of joy all the way while driving home
Biggest: A huge rainbow. Did not weight it but it was much larger than my first Chinook, perhaps in the 20 lb range.
Most memorable would be the first ever "large" fish I caught. It was 5 or 6 years ago while canoeing around the shore of Wolfe Island. We were jigging for perch with a black jig and white twister tail when I saw the monster swim towards my jig in 2 fow. I just froze from the excitement and not knowing what to do, my jig sunk and was just sitting on a rock when the monster pike attacked it. I was using 6lb mono and didnt have a clue on how to fight a big fish and I was using one of those crappy $20 horizon combo's from canadian tire. About 30 seconds into the fight the pike swam by the canoe and my buddy netted it, WAY earlier than I would ever dream of netting one now. We got the fish over the canoe, the net broke and the fish went wild! You can imagine how terrified we were being newbs and not having the slightest clue on how to handle it. We ended up getting it under control and measured it at 36", I wish I would have released it but we didnt know any better back then.
One that stands out is catching my first Atlantic salmon on my first cast---wasn't even a proper cast really, just a half-baked effort while I was fiddling with my knapsack. Went the next 2 days w/o so much as as a rise, though!
Not my biggest catch but most memorable would be just over 7 lbs smallmouth bass erie, why? first bass outta erie and it was my biggest since...
It doesn't matter if it's PB or not. I think we can all agree that the most memorable one was the one who broke our "first love" or let's just say "love at first cast". :razz: :mrgreen: