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Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. ChromeAddict

    Recommendations for $2-300 13' rod

    I have a Raven IM8 for sale. I sent you a message.
  2. ChromeAddict

    Flouro Leader Pound test floating for Steelies

    I like using light line for steelhead. 4 or 5lb fluro, 6 in muddy water.
  3. ChromeAddict

    Fish ID help

    I found schools of them this time last year. After targeting them for a few hours at night I managed to land one on a crankbait and one on a fly. My friend has caught them on worms before. Most of the time they would not bite which was strange.
  4. ChromeAddict

    Fish ID help

    Gizzard shad
  5. ChromeAddict


    Lot of dropbacks around on Sunday. Had to drop down to small flies and light line to get them to eat but I managed to go 3/9. Tough to land them with light tackle.
  6. ChromeAddict


    20 fish sounds crazy. I wanna try bottom bouncing in the creeks this fall, only done it on big water.
  7. ChromeAddict


    What was your best opener as far as numbers TI?
  8. ChromeAddict

    Spring Fishing Near Port Loring for Walleye, Pike & Lakers

    Fished the pickerel river last summer and found mostly bass, with a few pike and small walleye mixed in. Good kayak access but bass will be closed during may 24.
  9. ChromeAddict

    Courtesy for spots on tribs

    Haha, moved as soon as a I realized. Everyone was in a good mood and catching fish so nothing bad came out of it.
  10. ChromeAddict

    Courtesy for spots on tribs

    ^ Did this by accident earlier this spring - felt bad after I realized.
  11. ChromeAddict

    Good nymph rigs for this time of year

    Do you always use an indicator when you nymph?
  12. ChromeAddict

    Adjusting to steelhead fishing

    Try to find pools with less fishing pressure. Too many guys in one spot can shut the bite down.
  13. ChromeAddict

    u.v. lights

    I bought a Loon light and it broke within a couple weeks. Its just a branded Amazon light.
  14. ChromeAddict

    Salmon Video from Lake Ontario

    Looks like fun
  15. ChromeAddict


    MNR doesn't respond to every call, but from what I understand, they respond based on how many calls they get for a particular area. More calls supposedly = more MNR visits.
  16. ChromeAddict

    Must have for southern ontario fly box

    Wooly buggers work for anything. What specifically are you targeting?
  17. ChromeAddict

    Urban Fishing Student Film

    Join the Toronto Urban Fishing Ambassadors group on Facebook.
  18. ChromeAddict

    Salmon Run 2017??

    Lot of boots around yesterday. Spotted a couple nice browns. Need rain badly.
  19. ChromeAddict

    The Ultimate Photo Thread

    Was hoping for a steelhead or coho but ended up with a big chinny.