2 New PBs - Back to Back Bass

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Aug 24, 2010
The fish Gods were smiling upon me today!

Came fairly well prepared with 2 rods, one rigged for lures and one for live bait (worms). Although most of my fish came on worms, I think having both options readily available was a big confidence boost.

Caught countless bass. Most on worms (worms rule!!). Some on a jitterbug and silver Johnson weedless spoon.

After catching tonnes of largies and smallies, most under 2lbs, I got my pb smallie. I saw it swimming around, and although each "splash" of my offering would get its attention, and it would charge towards my worm or lure, it wasn't biting (I'm sure many have experienced this tantalizing dance with bass).

Patience, patience, patience. If at first you don't succeed, try again. Whoever said doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result is insane, was insanely wrong...!

The bass positioned itself next to a log, and I floated a full crawler towards it. Looked like this time it may have took it. I waited a couple of seconds and started reeling in, fish on!! The battle was heart pounding, and I had no idea how big this thing actually was until I got it in the net and lifted it up. 7 freakin' pounds. 23". A true beast.

Pics don't do it justice, it was a mammoth!

My next fish, caught shortly afterwards on the other side of the culvert I was fishing, is my pb largie weighing in at 5lbs!

Got it to smash my jitterbug by employing the stop and go technique but lost it almost immediately as it jumped and spat the trebles. Switched to my trusty crawler set up, and after a few casts, I saw it take the worm and I set the hook. After a good fight, I managed to net it and lift it up. Thank God for my extendable net, otherwise I would not have been able to land these heavy fish today.

It was a beautiful fish, with no signs of wear from spawning, and sported some hefty shoulders.

Later in the day while fishing the body of water attached to these culverts, I got into a nice smallie on a very long cast. I ended up losing it, but not before gaining some ground and nearly bringing it in. IMO, hooking a 2 to 4 lb smallie on a super long cast is one of, if not the best things that can happen to a fisherman, in terms of a fun fight.

Landing my big ones today was heart pounding, and big fish always make for great stories, sharing, bragging, envy, etc etc. But the best fight a bass can put up is the leap after leap from a distance, as your reeling it in at lightening speed from afar. My first ever smallie was such a battle, in the Conestogo River, I had to reel it in from nearly the other side of the river through rapids, at night to boot. That's bass fishing at its best. That's not to say sneaking up on them, or catching them close up, isn't fun too, because it certainly is.

My live bait rod today was equipped with 6lb Berkley Trilene monofilament line - needless to say I tightened the drag considerably while battling the big smallie, and maintained the same very tight drag for the next fish. For my lure rod, I tried braided line for the first time today, opting to go with 20lb (6lb diameter) invisi braid. No complaints, and with more use I will be able to tell whether it's worth using.

Today was a success due to worms, and taking the time to thoroughly fish the promising spots that most people overlook.
AWSOME!!! i went this morning didnt catch anything but im gonna try the worms. i was using topwater frogs buzz, plasitcs, and jig not much biting......anyway ima try again with worms!!! really awsome. what was your set up?
Fairly large hook, I will see if I can figure out what size they are, I don't think they're quite big enough to be considered "bass" hooks.

No leader, just tied straight to the 6lb line. No fancy worm rigging, just thread it on as best as I can. The worms eventually got pretty stale, I only bought 1 dozen, but once they entered the water, they would plump up again. For the 5lber, I only used half a stale worm as I was down to my last one. Remember that a fish doesn't know what a hook is - I catch a lot of bass on bare hooks! They just see movement and think it's food.

One thing salmon fishing with a 7' rod and 6lb line taught me, was that you can really have that drag set tightly.

Oddly enough, it's the small bass that you have to watch out for getting tangled in the weeds, they are quick little buggers, and will wrap you up in a flash if you're not careful.

For most of yesterday I was fishing off a culvert, say maybe 5 feet high, so I could see very well into the water, and sight fish as well as see where all of the structure was. Honey holes for sure.
Lately I've been fishing a lot off of my paddleboard - so I was lucky to have gotten those bass from shore so I could take proper measurements and get pics. On the board, it's tough getting pics unless I catch something right near shore and someone is around.

Salmon that's awesome in the paddle board. I always thought it can't be done. You just gave me hope.
Did you release those fish? Or keep em?

Nice fish either way.. I'd try to refrain from putting fish on the ground like that..picture or no picture..
Another great day of fishing was had again today.

Caught a lot more bass, opting to stick with the jitterbug for most of the day. Sacrificing the #'s I would have had using worms, for the rush of the topwater takes.

The first bass I caught today was the smallest. A baby compared to what was to come... It was near shore and I was able to get a cottager to take a pic.

One of the largemouths I got today was definitely over 5lbs. I thought it was a muskie, I actually yelled out "I've got a musky!". I got it on the jitterbug, but in a fairly deep section of the lake, and it didn't jump once! I didn't realize until after I released it that I had my scale and measuring tape with me on the paddleboard. But I don't really care that I didn't get the weight/length, and at least it made for a very speedy release. Definitely the highlight fish of the day - even heard some applause from shore when I lifted it up :lol:

I went in to eat and gear up for the evening bite. Was planning to not leave any skin exposed by wearing some protective clothing designed to keep mosquitoes and other insects away from the skin. Then some sort of opp marine unit told me I'd get a $240 fine if I went out again- because I didn't have a life jacket. Boo - urns.

No muskie or walleye for me today :(

I fished from shore for a few minutes, and kept one small largie before heading home. I'm eating it now, it boggles my mind how people can say they don't eat bass. But I guess that's a good thing - because if people knew how good eating they were - they'd be keeping a lot more of them. Due to the pain in the ass of paddling with a stringer, and the hassle of trying to keep the meat from spoiling, I rarely take any fish home when I am fishing in the summer and not camping or cottaging.

I am liking the 20lb Invisi Braid so far, I got it at SAIL and didn't see any at Canadian Tire today when I was checking if they have it. One thing I did notice at CT was that the jitterbugs are $9.99 there, as opposed to around $5 at SAIL. So don't get your jitterbugs at CT! I also got a jointed jitterbug, which I have yet to try because I've had so much luck with the regular one.
buckhorn-bassin said:
Did you release those fish? Or keep em?

Nice fish either way.. I'd try to refrain from putting fish on the ground like that..picture or no picture..
Released..definitely not the best C&R I've done..but I was alone and wanted some pics!


nice bass bro!

not everyday you can knock up some PB's
specially with the way big bass can sometimes just stare at a lure all day and sometimes never go for the bite lol

congrats bud
dusty122 said:
what was your set up?

salmotrutta said:
Fairly large hook, I will see if I can figure out what size they are, I don't think they're quite big enough to be considered "bass" hooks.
Found out today that the size hook I am using when rigging worms or twister tail grubs is "1".