2014-2015 Steelhead Season Pictures (No Naming Tribs!)

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Don't you hate when you fish a pool you get a fish on for a second or two then you drift another dozen or so times then you move on thinking to pool is spooked. Then some Loonigan comes and drifts a few times and nails the fish you had on. Yeah happened today. Big ass Steelhead a buck that was 7lb. Amazing looking fish.
Well...my season started out in the best way possible...I caught my first brown! Hard work does pay off, that and 10mm Chartreuse beads ;)

What a beautiful fish, cannot even compare to the ugly boots I caught all day.



Oh my god. That's a nice buck. Should of taken a close up of that fish laying on shore in the water. Damn. And good on you for properly handling it. That second boot is not bad. Good fighting sIze not like some of the monsters I've seen and taken me for a ride.

But after all this is a steelhead pic thread. Haha. But the lake run browns are accepted haha.
NIce Brown Dude. u rocking in brown fashion. Nice. Is it the same East trib that u told me abt?
fishing89 said:
Well...my season started out in the best way possible...I caught my first brown! Hard work does pay off, that and 10mm Chartreuse beads ;)

What a beautiful fish, cannot even compare to the ugly boots I caught all day.



I saw a brown good size 5-6 lber way up in a trib, making a nest last weekend. Was too cool to watch. Once she saw me watching she dove for the deeps.

Great catch.
They are beautiful fish!

I will try and get some steel to stay on topic in this thread over the weekend :p
still learning to cast the pin, but it seems the fish don't care lol

chinooky said:
still learning to cast the pin, but it seems the fish don't care lol
yea my casts were so ugly when i first got my pin that i almost sold it in the first week of use, untill i landed my first steel :)

nice fish bud, first one looks like a decent resi at that!
Shmogley said:
yea my casts were so ugly when i first got my pin that i almost sold it in the first week of use, untill i landed my first steel :)

nice fish bud, first one looks like a decent resi at that!
you can say that again! I lost the biggest on the day after a failed Wallace cast ended up with a birdsnest, and while untangling it, whammo! ... that helpless feeling when you are just waiting for the break-off lol