2014 Simcoe Ice GTG Sunday, January 19th

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i also wont be able to make it :( familly issues that need to be taken care of first...if there is going to be a OFF gather for lakers in feb i would be extremely interested since i wont be going to this one
Will see you guys in the am. 7ish...survival suit with a Colombia toque...
with any luck 7 or 730. driving blue honda crv. wearing grey coat/ camo pants/ hunter ornge hat. am a larger man a should be EZ to spot pulling a black slay. names Marty btw also bring extra gear incase anyone needs it
Any need for rubber boots or slush is all frozen up now?

Hopefully not having a hut won't make the day intolerable.
I'll be there about 7-8....damn it...I'm driving out on to the ice!! Look for the home built pop up with neon pink ends and camo walls! LOL!!
Roll call.. Who's checking in at the back parking lot before the boat launch area?

I'm in a blue Honda Accord.
:razz: gtg happend even with the wind. but most of us called it a day @ noon. with only 3 fish caught we where freezeing are butts off for little reason as it seemed noone around us was having much luck either. but it was still a good meet and greet. hoping you can make it up to Lake Joe in late feb for some trout fishing. PS. i WILL have my huts out incase the wind wants to come out and play like today..... oh and i made it home safe and i hope everyone else did too
Always nice to put faces to the names...Nice meeting you guys...
I was heading for lake trout grounds after we left IBP...got to the spot, loaded up the sled, started walking with the ridiculous wind to keep me company, and then I said **** it...I've had enough of that wind for today.
Good day guys! nice perch caught by liger. another smaller perch and soemone pulled up a small herring too(sorry im terrible with names)... a slow day but fun, had a couple laughs

was nice to finaly meet some of you guys!

unfortunately i somehow forgot my minnow bucket while i was packing up ;(

ah well, easy to replace.. cant wait for the next one! and hopefully no wind this time lol that was brutal with no hut

big thanks to everyone who put this together was my first ice fishing experience and i learned a fair bit (BRING A HUT) ;)
it was nice meeting some guys, me and Chris went to gliford after 3 hours of fishing off of ibp and only getting a herring and a dinky perch to show for, then got a bigger herring in gilford and some dinky perch, hey at least they were biting, lol.
Nice meeting the guys that showed up! We ended up calling it a day about an hour or so after you guys packed it in. We didn't have a hit between the 4 of us! Oh...the wind picked up after you left...and just as we were talking about packing it in....the wind flipped the hut! Opened the door and the dog was like...what the hell just happened! LOL! He was fine!
well that is not good OCD. but glad you dog is ok. I was going to stop on my way home and fish a spot as well but likeBrain said too fing windy. and does anyone know what the 2 police cars where in such a hurry for?? about 15 min after leaving the parking lot the cops came screaming into town. [Innisfil]