A hard weekend.

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Fishing was definately different back when I smoked a few years ago, something about cigarettes is very calming on the river. Still got the bob marleys but you can only have so many of those in a single outing.
Fishing was definately different back when I smoked a few years ago, something about cigarettes is very calming on the river. Still got the bob marleys but you can only have so many of those in a single outing.

It really is. I prob smoke just as much when i fish as wehn i drink. like I am right now, but i can't smoke inside, so i avoid going up as much so my parents dont see me smoking so much and stumbling so much lol. I wish i could do bob ,marleys/ i gereen out when i do, not a good mix 1 bit haha. Im looion forward to getting out soon, get my new lic this weekend :)
Fishing was definately different back when I smoked a few years ago, something about cigarettes is very calming on the river. Still got the bob marleys but you can only have so many of those in a single outing.

lol Now you're talking; everytime I start walking the banks on an outing, I'm singing those tunes to myself...