Aggrivating Fishing Expereince

Ontario Fishing Forums

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I seem to post this every year once or twice. If you see illegal activity call and report it. Take photos and licence numbers if possible. Call 2 or 3 or 4 times.
It may seem useless, but repeated calls will bring them out. I have seen it lots of times. If you are fishing a place where this happens regularly, maybe they won't show up on the day you witnessed offences happening, but they may show up the next day or the day after. And catch some law breakers. If you keep calling they will come.

Education and peer pressure is my solution. Since I'm not hopeful for government action, it's going to come to responsible people leading. By example. By education. By peer pressure.

Perhaps a small multilingual pamphlet can be (is already?) created that can be handed out to offenders. Point out the honest reasons the offending practice is damaging. This seems like the least confrontational approach. If anyone knows of such a pamphlet, please chime in.

Not sure what is achieved by pointing out the race/creed/colour of the offenders.... lumping all Asian fishermen scoops up a lot of responsible people.
flowerjohn said:
Isn't it sickening? and the police have no power.
Incorrect. The police can enforce any provincial act, including the fwca. Trouble is not all police officers are familiar with the legislation. Doesn't mean you can't call in a complaint. Just don't tell the offender that you have called, as they will likely split.
A fair warning usually deters people. You can't really tell who is the repeat offender or someone new to fishing and oblivious to the laws(I know ignorance excuses no one) if I see someone taking more than the limit. I usually tell them politely that they can get reported for what they're doing. I know someone would even dare you. Fishing almost 3 times a week and you would meet every angler from different walks of life and every douch out there...the most peaceful spot I fish is Whitby Harbor. Ashbridges and frenchmans....have their fair of loogans...this is of course not including the trout opener and salmon runs....
Things like that are just ignorant. You're allowed to go out into nature, enjoy its peace and beauty, and do some fishing, within reason. Why that's not enough for some people is beyond me. We're able to fish today because the majority of people before us had the decency to abide by the rules. How that doesn't cross your mind while standing in a river fishing is just nuts.
whenever i see that sorta thing i make the people so uncomfortable they leave. I often go on an endless rant about how you can lose your car, gear and face fines, blah blah blah, and pretend to make some phone calls and such and 9/10 people leave lol
GTAbassangler said:
I am also curious, do you think those bass were from the spawn this spring? How fast do bass grow?

What do you guys think?
wow... I don't get it... but to answer your other question.. here's what I was able to find:

First Year


Second Year

7 1/2"

Third Year


Fourth Year


Fifth Year


Sixth Year


Seventh Year


Eighth Year


Ninth Year


Tenth Year


Eleventh Year
