Anyone been to Terra Cotta or Ken Whillans Cons?

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Active Member
May 19, 2009
Was browsing the Credit Valley Conservation area website and stumbled upon Terra Cotta and Ken Whillans Conservation areas. Was thinking of heading up to one of these places tomorrow, as its only about 30 minutes from home. I tried searching for these in the GTA reports with no finds.

Anyone have any experience on the types of fish that can be caught here? Thanks
Terra cotta is pretty much dead they stocked muskrat pond with 1000 left over trout almost 4 years ago, pretty sure they are gone by now. Ken Whalens use to be good for pike/bass, credit cons tried to get rid of the pike by fishing them out in the winter via ice fishing but I think they survived. I think they stock it with trout now. I would try Ken whalens and try the pond in the back bigger bass in there they like the top water baits ie jitter bugs, etc..

If you try it out let me know if its still good.
Good luck man. Crazy thunderstorms tomorrow.... and also the rest of the weekend :)
had to cancel my camping trip.
Yea going to head up to Ken Whillans tmrw morning. Weathernetwork says the rain should hold up for most of the morning. And if anything its less than 1mm of rain. We'll sleep in the car and wait it out if it rains. haha. Let you know how it goes. Thanks for the tip.
We have are having one of the best seasons in a while at Ken Whillans so far.
Looks like they did away with the pike. :)
The bass in the main area are very picky, but I have never tried them in the smaller southern pond. I hear they grow larger in there.

Here is one from this year.


Just went to Ken Whillans this morning to try things out. Winds were around 15km/h, some quick showers here and there. Went to the small lake first to try things out, however I did not see nor catch any fish. Usually you would see at least some panfish around the shores of these lakes, but not here. No bluegills, rockbass, minnows.

Used Spinnerbaits at first, varied the retrieve from fast to twitches with no success. Found some weed cover on the northern part of the small lake, so switched to senkos. Tried Watermellon, followed by Junebug and pure red for about an hour with no success. 3 hours into the fishing, we switched to the larger lake, where we met up with several other fishers who have had no luck either. We fished off the dock along the northern part of the larger lake and noticed that most of the lake was quite shallow, with weeds sticking out along most of the northern portion. Switched to hardbaits (X-rap, skitter pops, jitterbugs, devilhorse and strike king sexy shads with no success.

Sorry for those who expected some pictures, but we left emptyhanded and with all of our baits untouched. I guess part of the reason was the huge rainfalls in the past several days. Maybe you guys will have better luck! :)
Sounds like you threw everything out there cypher; a rough days fish. Perhaps trying bait such as worms would hook you into fish; that's usually my go to if my artificials aren't producing.

Nice Bass Jose!

Thanks for the reports fellas.
I fished Ken Whillans last night from 6:30pm to 9pm. I caught several Rock Bass and a good size Cat Fish on worm in the back Channel. Weather was ideal and there was no misquitos which made for a great evening with a beautiful sunset. Heard a beaver slap his tail which was a cool sound to hear. There was a guy in his floating device who caught 7 large mouth off of a Spinner bait. Great time...August 2010 has just begun and I am planning to be back many, many times. Good luck to all... :D