Anyone ever bring their rod to a resort?

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Sep 1, 2010
I'm going to Cuba in 5 weeks, and I was thinking about bringing my fishing rod with me.

I know that Cuba has world class bass fishing, but I won't be going off the resort this time around.

I hadn't even thought about bringing my rod until I saw this:

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So, it turns out that there is a long pier that jets out into he ocean at the resort I'm staying at. :|

Has anyone tried this? Any tips? The area is Gaurdalavaca, Holguin, Cuba BTW


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Bring a telescopic rod and a few assorted body baits that you arent afraid to lose. You should be able to catch something.
Even if you don't have a telescopic rod, go out and get that or a multipiece rod(Probably a longer rod)! A bunch of dollar store fishing baits, some saltwater gulp, and a couple of rapala countdowns or something.

That spot looks awesome even to just cast and not catch there! Have fun on your trip to Cuba, Openfire!
You can try your hand at casting rapala cranks (jointed, husky jerks, xraps). I would also recommend an assorment of jigheads. For bait, see if you can score some shrimp off a cocktail ring - just cast in close to a reef and see what you can catch.
Make sure you have heavy line with wire leaders. live bait is better, ask someone who works there to help you, i'm sure the will, shoot em a few dollars, and remember it's salt water. so take something you can probably just leave there with the employee who ges you the bait. (shrim,hering)
Never hurts to bring a rod. I was able to bring a 7 ft. 2 piece rod with me last year as carry on. Not too sure if you can still, so check with the airline first. As disspatcher said, most resorts will have free 1hr. paddle boat rentals. The resort I stayed at also had those cheap snorkeling goggles so you could actually look into the water to see if there were any fish around. I'm not familiar with the area of Cuba you're staying at but I was in the Varadero area and most of the fish I saw were around the 3-6in. range and were hiding amongst pockets of rocks/coral. There were probably bigger ones but I didn't venture too far out with the paddle boat. Definitely bring along a bunch of jig heads and some decent line just in case. As for bait, I found most of the staff at the resorts are pretty friendly and usually don't mind hooking you up with small pieces of shrimp, squid, etc. if you ask nicely. Also, along those piers there will probably be lots of limpets (I think thats what they're called) you could crack open and use as bait too. One of the resort staffers said that they had the best luck using those.
Lol, and if you strike out and your resort has a big pond, resist the urge to sneak out at night and fish it...they don't like that...ask me how I know :|
Almost got one of these to bite before the security guard said no dice.

Hope you have fun on your trip! :|
I just moved to Ottawa from Florida so have spent countless hours fishing in waters similar to where you are headed and yes, you'd be surprised at what you can catch right at the resort. I've caught lots of cool fish while the wife was turning into a radish at the pool.

You might try a 4-piece fast action spinning/casting rod with good quality reel that will hold at least 300-yards of 20-lb Power Pro. You can pack more of the super-braid on a reel than mono and it holds up better in the saltwater. Line capacity is also a much bigger issue in tropical saltwater than in fresh. You'll also want some 30-lb and 50-lb fluorocarbon leader material. As for lures, you will probably want to bring some soft plastic jigs, buck-tail jigs, a couple of topwater muskie/pike type baits and a couple of silver spoons. If you can get any, some DOA Shrimp, DOA Terror Eyez and a thing called a Tube Lure (bright yellow or lime green) would come in handy. Looking at where that jetty is, you're likely to encounter the following: barracuda, bonefish (flat next to jetty), big jacks (bar,crevalle, horse eye), various snapper (mangrove, yellowtail, maybe a mutton) and you might get really lucky and see a tarpon or two.

If you've never hooked a big (30+) barracuda, you're in for a treat. Think muskie or northern pike only one that can jump 10-feet high and burn 100 yards of line in 2-3 seconds flat. That's what the big tube lure and muskie baits are for. The trick is that you need to reel them as fast as you can possibly reel or the Cudas won't bite. They also like the big spoons, anything flashy that moves super fast really.

Hope this helps and good luck!
Thanks for the suggestions.

I was planning on taking my rod with me as a carry-on aboard the plane, but the travel agent has informed us that it won't be allowed as it's considered to be a "weapon". :|

Unfortunately, none of my current 2 piece rods are short enough to fit in my suitcase. So, now I'm looking at either a telescopic or a 3 piece... I looked at a telescopic rod at crappy tire, and was unimpressed.

Any suggestions on a suitable rod?
Go and get an 2 pc Ugly stick! Bend her till she fits..I brought along a med action last trip..butt fit crossways in the case with the 2nd pc wrapped in a circle...worked great. OR bite the bullet, get the shiite telescoping and just leave it there for the locals!!
Brilliant, disspatcher. :|

It's ironic -- My GF's cousin picked up a whole bunch of Ugly Stik Tiger rods on a clearance sale in the states... and he offered me one last week!
I just got the aforementioned ugly stik, alas, it doesn't fit into my suitcase. The rod is a beast!

I will do the PVC pipe thing instead. I'm allowed 2 checked items, so I'm good to go!
I had an ultra lite Ugly stick...think it was a 2 pc and only 5" something.....
Im pretty sure your luggage like rods,clubs bike ect are free to take as well so you should be ok,,,
Have a blast!
(ok Blast may be the wrong thing to say when getting on a plane)

Have fun!
I ended up buying a rod case from lebarons for 30 bucks. Not a bad deal at all -- considering I blew $100 at BPS earlier today on saltwater tackle and another $60 at lebarons...I cannot believe I was talked into buying a $13 titanium leader. :mrgreen: I guess it's better than having my $15 saltwater x-rap get snapped off on an inferior leader... I think... :|

Anyway, I just finished packing, finally. My flight leaves in 13 hours! Gonna log off here, get 6 or 7 hours sleep, then it's on.

I will post a report when I get back, fish or no fish. Hopefully the former!
I've taken a fly rod to Cuba a few times - 9 wt 4 piece. Just walk out on the marl or reef (surf shoes or an old pair of runners) and caught Jacks, Grunts, Snapper and Barracuda. I used Crazy Charlies and streamers. White with a touch of red and chartreuse worked good both times. If you try this, be sure to use wire leader (everything in the ocean has teeth!). You'll also need lots of backing (300'). Saltwater fish have shoulders and can really give you a run - but fun wow!