April Steelhead

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Thanks NADO, hope you start seeing some soon, PEI is definitly a long way from ice out!

JDean that's what I was hoping to hear! Excellent link too thank you, very informative.
JDean speaks truth, things happen about a month later as you make your way along the Superior tribs, of which they are many. The mouths could be great for fish staging if the smaller tribs are too blown out. There is also a good chance superior will be locked up with ice. I travel that route every year around this time up to NW ontario and often rivers are fully blown but could be great, really depends on how this spring shapes up. good luck!
Thanks jkw, never thought of the mouths but I'll keep them in mind. I guess Ill have to check up in a few weeks time to see how conditions are shaping up.
Catfish said:
@LordMK: Last year we were getting dropbacks at the CRAA derby (which was may 10). I'm pretty sure Shmogley was nailing them into mid may too. I'd imagine it'd be similar this year, unless the fish can run under the ice.
Do you know if the CRAA will be holding a tournament this year? I looked in their website but could not find any info.
Lake O fish are great for pictures because they're bigger fish, but a fish half the size on Lake Huron fights even harder. What do you want, photos or the fight :)
Oh and don't worry about anyone saying minimal fish mid to late April. There will be tones of fish everywhere. If anything north of Lake O, you could be early the way this winter has gone.
steels have been running since november. if there's outflow they will make their way up. this time last year, steels have reached their spawning areas already. 2 weeks from now, open areas will be loaded with anglers.
Catfish said:
@LordMK: Last year we were getting dropbacks at the CRAA derby (which was may 10). I'm pretty sure Shmogley was nailing them into mid may too. I'd imagine it'd be similar this year, unless the fish can run under the ice.
Yeah Mark was hitting em till almost June last year. Just depends how long the water stays in their comfort zone.
Brendan said:
So there isn't much hope of any fresh fish coming in by mid April? I guess I'll just have to hope for a few post spawners to be coming down then.
I found fresh fish way up river after opener last year. T'was my best day ever. I literally had a fish on every 2-3 casts and they were all fresh A.F.
JCRG said:
Do you know if the CRAA will be holding a tournament this year? I looked in their website but could not find any info.
I hope so. Last year I believe they posted it on their homepage late march or sometime in april.
they always post it late.
also their website is pretty terrible as far as keeping it up to date goes. the tourny will be happening though
Thanks FisherGirl and GoodenTight, good to know there should be fish around!
"Lake O fish are great for pictures because they're bigger fish, but a fish half the size on Lake Huron fights even harder. What do you want, photos or the fight :)"
I'd say I'm bound for some Lake Huron tribes then!
Less guys on Huron from my experiences too. But trust me, that doesn't mean much. The amount of guys out is insane, and we are all one of them lol.
Kit said:
Looked on their site no news about it at all yet.. Kinda strange. Maybe they are not doing it this year.
I spoke with one of the reps. at the spring fishing show, and they will be having it this year. Looking forward to signing up, seems like a lot of fun.
Alot of pressure eh GoodenTight? Do you guys do pool rotation or is it just whoever gets there first gets to fish where they want?
Pool rotation exists someplace on earth? What a concept lol.

The only pool rotation that happens is my ass moving when someone else decides 2 feet away is the ideal spot for them to fish. :p