I've had many tanks over the years. Gold fish, Oscars, Cichlids you name it. I shared a house in Calgary with a friend years ago and we both worked for Hartz Pet Supplies. We each used to bring home a bag of fish every week cause everything in our 2 100 gal tanks were always eating each other. In one of the cement ponds at the warehouse we had an Oscar , obviously named Oscar. He was about 5 lbs when I left Hartz. We also kept 2 Boas at our house, I had a Tarantula named Boris the Spider. And at 1 point in time we babysat a 360 lb Anaconda for 6 months while it's owner was away in Saudi Arabia working. Food was no problem cause Hartz didn't want any three legged mice or Guinea Pigs that came in nor did they want one eyed Goldfish, no one would buy them so they became feeders.
While on the topic, I have had more than my share of Geckos, 2 other Tarantulas, an Iguana named Jane, another Boa called Max and a German Sheppard named Razor.
All lived in aquariums except Razor. Jane used to sit in her tank under a heat lamp until the morning and then she would climb out at sit at the door to our sun room until someone noticed and opened it for her. Then she would sit in the sun room all day. When the sun went down she went back to her heat lamp.