Atlantic Salmon Identification

Ontario Fishing Forums

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this is a very powerful fish. i thought i hooked a steelhead but immediately felt the power of a hugged bottom the entire fight and fighting this on a pin is unbelievable...
Hi Everyone. :razz:

If I've put this in the wrong Forum, please let me know. :oops:

All the Information is from a Fish Biology Site and is totally Accurate from my past experience.

Atlantic Salmon: Family, Salmonidas (trouts and salmons)
Species: Salmo salar
OMNR Code: 077
Trophic Class: invertivore/carnivore.

The attached information sheets are from the same source.

If you see what you think might be an error, let me know and I'll Confirm/Correct it if necessary.

"Wrongful Information" Posting is a Big NO! NO!



  • 1 A1t Atlantic Salmon A4 Ontario Distribution.jpg
    1 A1t Atlantic Salmon A4 Ontario Distribution.jpg
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  • 1 A1t Atlantic Salmon A5.jpg
    1 A1t Atlantic Salmon A5.jpg
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  • 1 A1t Atlantic Salmon A6.jpg
    1 A1t Atlantic Salmon A6.jpg
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  • 1 A1t Atlantic Salmon A1 Name and Code.jpg
    1 A1t Atlantic Salmon A1 Name and Code.jpg
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  • 1 A1t Atlantic Salmon A2 Ecological Value.jpg
    1 A1t Atlantic Salmon A2 Ecological Value.jpg
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  • 1 A1t Atlantic Salmon A3 Habitat and Feeding(2).jpg
    1 A1t Atlantic Salmon A3 Habitat and Feeding(2).jpg
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  • 1 A1t Atlantic Salmon A3 Size and Age(4).jpg
    1 A1t Atlantic Salmon A3 Size and Age(4).jpg
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amazing to see how many are caught compared to how many make it to the ladder. or should i say make it over the ladder....
steelhead101 said:
amazing to see how many are caught compared to how many make it to the ladder. or should i say make it over the ladder....

i find it even more amazing that we've released millions and are only seeing 50 return
FrequentFlyer said:
i find it even more amazing that we've released millions and are only seeing 50 return
I'm starting to think there is more to it, i use to totally agree with you however from talking to anglers that commonly fish the credit. i would say at least 3 in 10 real anglers have caught them , as well as report seeing schools of 20+ fish. the fish run at such a a variety of dates that they may very well be going up to the damn, dropping the eggs and leaving due to the poorly oxygenated damn water. there are to many catches out in the lake to suspect there is only a 250 atlantics in the lake (assuming they live 5 years). just food for thought but I'm starting to change my thoughts about it.
steelhead101 said:
I'm starting to think there is more to it, i use to totally agree with you however from talking to anglers that commonly fish the credit. i would say at least 3 in 10 real anglers have caught them , as well as report seeing schools of 20+ fish. the fish run at such a a variety of dates that they may very well be going up to the darn, dropping the eggs and leaving due to the poorly oxygenated darn water. there are to many catches out in the lake to suspect there is only a 250 atlantics in the lake (assuming they live 5 years). just food for thought but I'm starting to change my thoughts about it.

they're also using one of the weakest strains of atlantic salmon the Lahave strain. if they used a more hardy strain, maybe we'd see much higher numbers return. phase 1 ended in 2011, which saw 2.5 million fish released into 3 tribs, one had a wier dam setup on it for a year, the results were dismal at best
the credit has a steady return imo (as someone who fishes it almost daily). i would say nearly impossible to "plan" to catch one but you will get lucky once or twice a year during salmon runs
Have yet to catch a mature one. In my hometown trib I have to use a bigger bead or I catch 8-12" Atlantics all the time. Beautiful fish, hopefully I'll get a screamer on, maybe today.