Atlantic Salmon on a stringer...

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Well-Known Member
Aug 2, 2013
Here's something I witnessed on the weekend. An Atlantic Salmon on a stringer out of a lake O tributary. I told the person he better release it. The fish was in rough shape but it was released. ‪#‎smh‬

I doubt it made it but good for you for calling it out. It was a decent size, I could see someone thinking it was a brown...
Last week I witnessed the impressive leap of an atlantic like 15 feet to the side when it was hooked! Such a beautiful fish, a pity they are so scarce.
Happens more than we know about - good on you for educating the person :cool:
getin said:
Last week I witnessed the impressive leap of an atlantic like 15 feet to the side when it was hooked! Such a beautiful fish, a pity they are so scarce.

They were called 'The Leaper' by Native Americans for that reason

I could see that one being mistaken for a lake run brown
the leaper is from the latin name for atlantics. different nations in canada all had different names for the same fish.

this stuff happens all the time sadly. spend a week at any of the slaughterhouse spots on a lake o trib and youll see one get knocked or handled very poorly. (3 for me so far)

those kind of fisherman don't care what species they catch, they see a potential meal/roe on the hook and consider it a good day.

good on you for doing it right Pump