Bassassins - PowerTeam Lures Contest

Ontario Fishing Forums

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Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2013
Thanks for your support so far guys ... we are running a little LIKE and SHARE contest on our facebook page if anyone is interested in getting involved.


Make sure to read the rules and Good Luck!!!
Sorry we know not everyone has the book of faces but feel free to get your friend to get involved as long as they will give up the prize if they win ;) Our next contest we will run threw our website :)
Bassassins said:
Sorry we know not everyone has the book of faces but feel free to get your friend to get involved as long as they will give up the prize if they win ;) Our next contest we will run threw our website :)
Ya, he doesn't fish... :D

Sounds cool. Truth be told, just about everyone does have facebook - just not me! :p
Come on now we are OTTAWA BOYS!!! Everyone is welcome.... will ship it to the winner no matter where they live!!!

I do have AMAZING news to add coming from PowerTeam Lures - to show support for the Bassassins they have sweetened the pot!!! Throwing a PowerTeam Lures hoodie to the winner as well... Thanks everyone for the support so far.... KEEP IT ROCKING! Good Luck!!
ummm, metal music aside and all the flash... we are all in agreement bass season is closed right now, right?
FishingNoob said:
Ya, he doesn't fish... :D

Sounds cool. Truth be told, just about everyone does have facebook - just not me! :p
Never had a FB account either..definitely has made it difficult staying in touch with people that I would have liked to have contact with, but also made it easier to ignore those I wouldn't. Not to mention all the time it saved me, how else would I have learned to think like a fish :)
Bassassins said:
Confused what you are asking......
Just a gentle reminder to the "lurkers" (non OFF members) that despite the hype and promos aimed at bass fishing, bass season is closed till the end of June and that means even targeting them for catch and release or using a spinnerbait for them "while going for pike".

Why is this business promotion allowed on this site? Maybe we need a special section where this sort of thing can be done....

i wanna talk fishin', not help get a business more Facebook numbers

There was an issue last year where those "making money" thru fishing, be it guiding or whatever, had to run the idea by the site's top brass first.... maybe that was done in this instance as well
salmotrutta said:
Opener is June 15th for Zones 17, 18 and 20 this year :D

2.5 weeks...
We can't wait - counting down the hours really. :)

Dugger - get what you are saying ... no company benefiting here we have been participating on this forum and sharing our adventures. Just wanted to extend a thank you to all of those that like our reports on here and do have facebook. If this has offended you I am sorry - if this is not fishing talk enough... wait until our next report or check out the one we posted last week. Comment on there and we can talk fish all you want...

Tight Lines all and thank you to those that support Rob and Rob... MORE TO COME!!!
wow dugger your not messing around--no posts for months and POW read em his rights---I think a promotion that will end before bass season starts in order for you to use/market the prizes you won makes a lot of well as on a business side it makes sense--win sweater and wear it for the opener --no one I saying hit bass tomorrow--its a contest--princess Margaret gives away Ferraris in the winter...
:D I should wiggle my chat toes in the fine OFF waters before diving in methinks, remyboy

.... it was a long winter and I missed my wittle friends :razz:

I get so irritated this time of year here in Niagara when bass season is approaching and yet on the water it appears to have opened weeks ago seeing everyone casting for them and catching them. These "anglers" are not cave-dwelling mouth breathers either... the gear betrays that notion. A pox on thie house! :razz: I find these days that some so-called anglers have no clue the damage they do when they push bass season all for the thrill of dragging in a largemouth. It is like they beleive the fish magically appear yeach year for their benefit. I find those lousy Canadian and American fishing programmes do absolutely nothing to promote the fishery and the respect it deserves. It's all metal music and a numbers game or it is some low talker explaining how a bobber works

lol my god hibernation did not treat me well

I see a huge difference in how fishing shows from the UK are presented: more class, more education, more depth.... I would love to see a British film crew do some North American programming, see their slant on it. Maybe it is my age/experience demographic group... we have seen it all, the crappy loud marketing, the rock and roll high school schtick, the "treat fish like it is some unfeeling inanimate object"....

sure, i wish Bassassins all the best, just struck me after what was discussed last year that I see this here, i await with "baited breath" when a lure manufacturer promotes barbless angling, proper fish handling techniques and reminders

put my mind at ease this year and how about a few of you try the barbless experience and report back if you aren't barbless already

random? yes! .... and sadly I am sure there will be more to come.

May the 2013 season be a safe one for all my friends!

Now, about those gigantic freshwater drum..... :shock:
Respect that Dugger - we see it here all the time from shore.... people fishing just where they shouldn't be. Taking Bass off a nest is NOT acceptable, cranking a 5 pound jaw to the breaking point is also not acceptable - we do our best to make sure fish are handled with care, seasons are respected and most of all the fish are respected and released to grow bigger and fight another day. Barbless we have done and do do in certain situations - especially with Smooth being a fly fisherman no problem clipping barbs in most situations.

As you can see here... lots of respect to the fish my friend

Anyways.... gigantic freshwater drum you say.... haven't seen one of those yet!
lol that is awesome, Bassassin, made my day :cool:

hmmmm, drum, no one suspects the drum! And my god what a great Canadian fish!

chat at you nice people later!
dugger awesome!!!!!lol

barbless wont make a difference when you have to literally seperate your shoulder and the shoulders of everyone on the boat to set the hook--that's like painting a 50 cal bullet pink to make you feel all pretty while it blows your head off.....archaic to be honest.