Bayfield beauties

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I apologize about my previous comments, I should have realized you're just a hack and did not know any better...I will be on that river 3-5 days a week until season closes so Im sure we will have an opportunity to contiune our conversation.
Haha amen brother, callin it like it is. I'm glad there are still some good people out there who care about our fisheries.
I apologize about my previous comments, I should have realized you're just a hack and did not know any better...I will be on that river 3-5 days a week until season closes so Im sure we will have an opportunity to contiune our conversation.
Well it might be tough sifting through the millions of people that will be coming out to ***field now that the secrets out.
I apologize about my previous comments, I should have realized you're just a hack and did not know any better...I will be on that river 3-5 days a week until season closes so Im sure we will have an opportunity to contiune our conversation.
The only problem is you won't find this guy on the river when the mercury drops below 15c.
I guess I should be more concerned about people who can actually catch fish as being a threat to the fishery however I just dont give those bows swimming around with floats attatched to them much of a chance...
Well it might be tough sifting through the millions of people that will be coming out to ***field now that the secrets out.
Also did it ever cross your mind that along with the ethical anglers you are bound to get a-holes who dump their trash all over the river, snag/net fish, and poach, just to name a few??
Also did it ever cross your mind that along with the ethical anglers you are bound to get a-holes who dump their trash all over the river, snag/net fish, and poach, just to name a few??

Pretty sure there was people lined up at "The place where cars drive over water" and that other place where "cars drive over water" before I even made my post. You are bound to get a-holes and unethical anglers everywhere you go, its a part of life and you're going to have to learn to deal with it like an adult and not just moan and complain about it on the internet. Find somewhere else to troll.
you gotta be kidding me :lol: yeah that's a great comment for a "MODERATOR" to make. There are 100 noobs on this forum just hoping that a mod or a pro (and you're both) would respond to their post and make them feel accepted, maybe give them a pointer, but this is where you decide to weigh in? "awesome, great. Thanks for sharing don't worry about breaking the rules"

The report is great. Guy went step by step on what he used and how he fished. I missed the specific part of the report, it was reported and dealt with it. If the poster chooses to write up what river they fished that is kosher. Specific areas are not allowed.

Its best to educate people through PM, a simple explanation of the effects posting delicate information can have on fisheries will have a stronger effect rather than lashing out at people over the forums publicly. I've messaged countless members over the years that were being too specific with areas, even before I was a moderator. We all try to do our part my friend, you will have to take my word for it.

Members play an active roll in forums, if it wasn't for the members, the post would still be up as originally posted.
We don't all have the capacity to objectively weigh the merit or content of specific posts ALL the time...​

Nor do we have the privilege of intimate knowledge of the relative disposition of poster, responders, moderators etc.​
I will endeavour to answer a few of this issues for you now...​
For your information I will let you in on MY own disposition so that you may adequately gauge the merit or fairness of my contribution...​
I'm a little cranky these days!!​


Some of you are beginning to PI$$ me off!!
I guess that's clear enough.​

I do not have the luxury of multiple trips to the water every week, and, frankly like some of the other moderators, have obligations that supersede such desires. Often, between obligations and responsibilities we have (in real life), and the duties we have here, because we're committed to the idea (to ensure we remain a genial community), we might just miss someone's transgression, lack of judgement...OR that it has been PERCEIVED as such.

My understanding is that the moderator has responded to the alert and edited the post. Short of lopping off the "enter" finger of the offending OP I am not altogether sure what you want.


Below are the clearly stipulated forum rules

[font="tahoma][/font][/color][/center][center][color="#FF0000"][font="tahoma]Specific Spots: Disclosing the presence of fish in a specific pool, upstream from the mouth of any river or tributary is not permitted in the publicly viewable general discussion forum. For example, you can say "I had a great day fishing yesterday on xxx Creek", but we do not encourage members to say "The fish are stacked up in the pool at the xxx bridge". The latter statement should be relegated to the Tier 1 and Tier 2 reports sections, away from public view.[/font]

Some of the more seasoned veterans--wiser perhaps--enjoy the task of mentoring new adherents to the art of angling, we enjoy the story of the pursuit as much as pursuit, as much as catching that elusive fish. And when we do, we sometimes even post a picture...whether it's of fish spawning on a redd, mushroom picking, making ghost pepper chili with pulled pork, and even the odd "hero shot." In actual fact the "hero shot," "grip and grin," etc. are often reserved for that "exceptional" fish. So you new folks, catch numbers and pics of EVERY fish are not really necessary--nor, should it be noted, is it particularly discouraged in the event you might think we are being too proscriptive.

For some of the seasoned anglers, please also take note of the above...I'm about sick to death of some of the older guys behaving as though only THEIR opinion about conservancy, angling, among others, is valid. Indeed some of you may have spent many years on the water but with a handful of posts and little content to contribute please let the moderators take the lead or pm some of you have done. Rather than berate younger anglers who are excited to find such a resource as OFF, again...TAKE NOTE OF THE ABOVE and help in the real process of edification. Too many of you sour the very fora you frequent. You are quick with opinion and punitive correctives but frankly short on knowledge, generosity, and decent reportage!! You think that throwing some bait in the water and catching fish makes you an accomplished angler--well I'm here to tell you it takes no particular skill at all...

Noobs and veterans alike--play nice!!!

As for the particular system under discussion (moderators and the administrators are discussing amongst ourselves the need to toughen up the rules somewhat) it is a river that is certain to suffer from overfishing and over harvesting. The runs there are temperamental, subject to the slightest shift in environmental conditions...and contrary to what some of you might think...large stretches are private which makes the access points few and well known, and the pressure therefor (in those particular spots) immense. Smaller waters such as this need to be better protected and WILL suffer the deleterious effects of too much traffic, just as many eastern tribs and delicate northern watersheds.

Anyway this debate continues to bore me and I have far more urgent issues here to tend to...the rules are quite clear...use you common sense where small waters are concerned, respect the resource and refrain from reporting numbers of fish landed or specific pools on large tribs around the GTA...

We don't all have the capacity to objectively weigh the merit or content of specific posts ALL the time...

Nor do we have the privilege of intimate knowledge of the relative disposition of poster, responders, moderators etc.
I will endeavour to answer a few of this issues for you now...
For your information I will let you in on MY own disposition so that you may adequately gauge the merit or fairness of my contribution.

Some of you are beginning to PI$$ me off!!

I guess that's clear enough.
I do not have the luxury of multiple trips to the water every week, and, frankly like some of the other moderators have obligations that supersede such desires. Often, between obligations and responsibilities we have (in real life), and the duties we have here because we're committed to the idea (to ensure we remain a genial community), we might just miss someone's transgression, lack of judgement...OR that it has been PERCEIVED as such.

My understanding is that the moderator has responded to the alert and edited the post. Short of lopping off the "enter" finger of the offending OP I am not altogether sure what you want.
Below are the clearly stipulated forum rules

Specific Spots: Disclosing the presence of fish in a specific pool, upstream from the mouth of any river or tributary is not permitted in the publicly viewable general discussion forum. For example, you can say "I had a great day fishing yesterday on Wilmot Creek", but we do not encourage members to say "The fish are stacked up in the pool at the CNR bridge". The latter statement should be relegated to the Tier 1 and Tier 2 reports sections, away from public view.

Some of the more seasoned veterans--wiser perhaps--enjoy the task of mentoring new adherents to the art of angling, we enjoy the story of the pursuit as much as pursuit, as much as catching that elusive fish. And when we do we sometimes even post a picture...whether it's of fish spawning on a redd, mushroom picking, making ghost pepper chili with pulled pork, and even the odd "hero shot." In actual fact the "hero shot," "grip and grin," etc. are often reserved for that "exceptional" fish. So you new folks, catch numbers and pics of EVERY fish are not really necessary--nor, should it be noted, is it particularly discouraged in the event you might think we are being too proscriptive.

For some of the seasoned anglers, please also take note of the above...I'm about sick to death of some of the older guys behaving as though only their opinion about conservancy, angling, among others is valid. Indeed some of you may have spent many years on the water but with a handful of posts and little content to contribute please let the moderators take the lead or pm some of you have done. Rather than berate younger anglers who are excited to find such a resource TAKE NOTE OF THE ABOVE and help in the real process of edification. Too many of you sour the very fora you frequent. You are quick with opinion and punitive correctives but frankly short on knowledge, generosity, and decent reportage!! You think that throwing some bait in the water makes you an accomplished angler--well I'm here to tell you it takes no particular skill at all...

Noobs and veterans alike--play nice!!!

As for the particular system under discussion (moderators and the administrators are discussing amongst ourselves the need to toughen up the rules somewhat) it is a river that is certain to suffer from overfishing and over harvesting. The runs there are temperamental, subject to the slightest shift in environmental conditions...and contrary to what some of you might think...large stretches are private which makes the access points few and well known, and the pressure therefor (in those particular spots) immense. Smaller waters such as this need to be better protected and WILL suffer the deleterious effects of too much traffic, just as many eastern tribs and delicate northern watersheds.

Anyway this debate continues to bore me and I have far more urgent issues here to tend to...the rules are quite clear...use you common sense where small waters are concerned, respect the resource and refrain from reporting numbers of fish landed and coming itno specific pools on large tribs around the GTA...


Oh dear...look what happened.

I just can't understand why anyone needs to post where they were fishing at all? Especially in "look what I caught" threads. If you just want to show off a fish, sweet, great eye candy for everyone, leave it at that and accept your "pats on the back" that will follow.
As Dozer & CC said a simple PM would suffice. As one of you said he probably doesnt realize what he is doing by posting that type of report, so why flame him on the open forum? I think some people just enjoy waiting for the next report so that they can jump on the next guy for handling the fish wrong or posting about specific spots(stroking their own ego about how well they handle fish and keep secrets). Dont get me wrong I dont like seeing spots like that posted either or seeing fish mishandled, just no need to gang up on the guy and start flaming instantly. Your energy will be much better spent through PM as the recipient will actually receive the message when they arent being attacked.
I apologize about my previous comments, I should have realized you're just a hack and did not know any better...I will be on that river 3-5 days a week until season closes so Im sure we will have an opportunity to contiune our conversation.
So, I guess fishing this river 40 days out of the next 60 wouldn't constitute damaging this fragile little fishery?
I understand specific spots should not be posted but a certain member has not given any respect to the new anglers on this forum wanting to learn.I believe his whole 10 posts consist of complaining and berating fellow anglers. Find a new hobby ... like fishing.
Really? He stated a river. It was a good report and congrats to the OP for his great day on the water. I appreciated the report and enjoyed viewing the pictures. Why is anyone on here then? To tell jokes all day on the lodge thread?? Everyone is here to gain knowlegde. Read reports, ask advice and hit the water. If he mentioned a certain area of the river then PM him and be cordial about it. God forbid it is a kid/teen trying out the sport and was really excited to share their experience. Once again, a roadside fishery will always get presure. Everyone has a right to fish where legal. Your going to slam everyone who wants to go fishing at said river? "The crowds will be even larger." is Ontario, the population is huge and will only grow larger. River management will keep the rivers going, not slaming a poor guy who went out legally to catch a few fish. It seems like the fishing community is completly different than the hunting community. The hunting community is always thriving to gain new hunters and grow the sport. More hunters means more licneses/tags purchased and in turn goes into conservation efforts habitat protection. The fishing comunity shuns the growth of the sport and flacks people who report while following the rules of the forum and rules of the law. I for one am tired of this. If you don't like reading reports then get off the forum. This is where reports and exeperiences as well techiques are shared. If this irks you then why join? I have known about many of the rivers mention on here and I have never fished them or done really any research at all. Its not difficult to find a place to fish in this age. I didn't need to join OFF to know where to go fishing....its just nice interacting with the community and reading reports. I am always willing to share information to help a guy out. I still remember when I first began fishing. I didn't have friends or family who fished. If it weren't for certain forums and people I have encountered I wouldn't have become the fisherman I am today and been to the amazing plazes I have fished.
Really? He stated a river. It was a good report and congrats to the OP for his great day on the water. I appreciated the report and enjoyed viewing the pictures. Why is anyone on here then? To tell jokes all day on the lodge thread?? Everyone is here to gain knowlegde. Read reports, ask advice and hit the water. If he mentioned a certain area of the river then PM him and be cordial about it. God forbid it is a kid/teen trying out the sport and was really excited to share their experience. Once again, a roadside fishery will always get presure. Everyone has a right to fish where legal. Your going to slam everyone who wants to go fishing at said river? "The crowds will be even larger." is Ontario, the population is huge and will only grow larger. River management will keep the rivers going, not slaming a poor guy who went out legally to catch a few fish. It seems like the fishing community is completly different than the hunting community. The hunting community is always thriving to gain new hunters and grow the sport. More hunters means more licneses/tags purchased and in turn goes into conservation efforts habitat protection. The fishing comunity shuns the growth of the sport and flacks people who report while following the rules of the forum and rules of the law. I for one am tired of this. If you don't like reading reports then get off the forum. This is where reports and exeperiences as well techiques are shared. If this irks you then why join? I have known about many of the rivers mention on here and I have never fished them or done really any research at all. Its not difficult to find a place to fish in this age. I didn't need to join OFF to know where to go fishing....its just nice interacting with the community and reading reports. I am always willing to share information to help a guy out. I still remember when I first began fishing. I didn't have friends or family who fished. If it weren't for certain forums and people I have encountered I wouldn't have become the fisherman I am today and been to the amazing plazes I have fished.

Yup, it requires maturation and a growing wisdom which (and though there may be the odd transgression) requires mentorship and generosity...

Its not difficult to find a place to fish in this age. I didn't need to join OFF to know where to go fishing....

Good point. Someone who doesn't know where to go fishing, will actually have better success by just using maps and driving around and exploring to find a spot. The spirit of exploration, as intangible as it may seem to some, usually leads to discovery when it comes to fishing. Scope out a river, look for structure and/or deep pools, and just like that you've found fish. If you drive around a little and do some exploring, you'll familiarize yourself with a watershed a lot more than simply going to point "A" because you read about it on a forum. Anyone going to a spot just because they read about it online, is probably not going to be able to do much harm to the fishery, because they're probably not very skilled anglers.