Bayfield River

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Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2010
Had a good day on the Bayfield River with my buddy Cam. Still having trouble identifying salmon and trout.
My guess is female steelhead, and two male chinooks?
I know the big one is half dead but what a fight! :D

ha you made the same mistake i made yur steelhead is a coho!!! i posted a pic of the one i got and someone kindly pointed out that there are no spots on the tail...nice fish though
Your stealhead is definatley a stealhead, and a big hen at that, very nicely done. Future reference, white gums = bow.
There's lots of ways you can tell wether a bow is a bow, the tail is a lot more squared off then any species of salmon, green back, whit gums, and anything that size and is still chrome this time of year is ALMOST guaranteed to be rainbow.
Im no expert in fish identification but the mouth looks a little off for it to be a steelhead and this time of year at the mouth of a river I would expect a steelhead to be much more silver than that. Maybe its just the picture quality that doesnt make it look so silver.
Based on the MNR Fish Identification chart, the colour and tail shape seem to match a Steelhead ... but the spots are throwing me off.
I should have used my iPhone and not my buddies BB.
It's steal dude. Believe me I've caught thousands of them lol. That fish is throwing people off because it's probably either been in the river for awhile or it's a fall spawner. Look at the tail!!!
I think mine is a steelhead ... look at the different shape of tail. Coho's have more of a 'V' shape.
It also looks like Coho's have a darker top half with more defined spots.
I think mine is a steelhead ... look at the different shape of tail. Coho's have more of a 'V' shape.
It also looks like Coho's have a darker top half with more defined spots.
i seen the moster steel at dennys today... yours is nothing like them, urs is way to dark,
the bows running up there and grey tops pure white belly! very defind red marks to them, in the fall
i dont see any of thos marking on ur coho..

but its one of the best coho i have seen in a long time!
last one i had was on lake O mid summer 17 lbs

here a pic of a steelie from that day as well...


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There are a ton of different strains of bows. Someone tell me how to put up pics and I'll show you how easily you can tell it's a bow lol.
Don't think I can do er on my iPhone, you guys could be right the more I look at the stupid thing lol, I've got stealies in the spring that look like that, kinda salmonoid lookin, and with a little bit of a dark mouth. But I'm pretty sure even hen cohos have a bit of a kype, no? I wish I could put up a pic of a fish I got this fall cause I had no idea what it was. Hahaha.