beads or roe

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w_ boughner said:
I use a double rig !! A bead 12-16" above your roe with a hook 2" under the bead
i might just do this. what knot do you use when you tie your 2nd leader to the hook under the bead?
i might just do this. what knot do you use when you tie your 2nd leader to the hook under the bead?

I use an improvised snell knot on the top hook and leave a 16-20" tag and tie my second hook on the end of the tag
When you guys use 2 hooks, do you ever get double headers?
when using minnows I've had double headers with perch
i think he meant with steelhead. chance of you catching one out of 20 sitting front of you is rare enough, but never say never, i have had two 6 inch trout on two hooks if that counts for anything?! one fly one roe.
another way to do a double rig is tying your roe hook onto your lead leaving a long tag end... you can now put your bead on the tag end with a hook 2 inches under that... I like this rig because it allows your bead to bounce the bottom while your roe is a foot or so above..
When I am fly fishing a use my above post with a larger nymph pattern followed by either a smaller nymph or egg fly. Sometimes a "swinging fly" on the bottom to present a dead drift up and across well accomplishing a swing through the "gut". Sometimes on the swing the nymph hooks up, making it pretty deadly
IR4JFlyfishing said:
When I am fly fishing a use my above post with a larger nymph pattern followed by either a smaller nymph or egg fly. Sometimes a "swinging fly" on the bottom to present a dead drift up and across well accomplishing a swing through the "gut". Sometimes on the swing the nymph hooks up, making it pretty deadly
so you use the larger nymph as a idicator as well right ? i tried this once but got hung up and lost 2 flies :evil: so i never did that again lol
No, you fish it how you would a regular dead drift, 9 foot leader (ish) down to your first fly with your droper another 12-20 inches below that fly. I fish mine with an indicator mostly set to 1.5x the depth of the water, fish it like a one fly system.
low clear water... nothing beats fresh skein. small white bags. you will be the only guy on the river catching fish.
that is Huron and Georgian bay. U don't need a whole lot of skill to catch fish out of Ontario.... store bought row and 20 pound braid will be fine
Knuguy said:
That seems like a long dist from the hook. So what happens when a fish bites on the bead? Float goes down, yank bead from fish's mouth?/
He said as an attractor, so there would be a second bait, it would work the same as a flasher does when trolling salmon.