Beginner Steelheader spin reel setup

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Gonna try this too Iron, thanks. Kraken i run 12lb Suffix mono (it was a great price) and I'm not sure if the dude in the store spooled on too much or if my line just needs more 'working in' but it's preeeetty twisty. I tried letting out 100ft of line into the river with nothing tied on just to try and let the river do its thing and untwist it....seemed to help a little bit. I also switched to a slip float and that really made things a lot nicer than the normal crystal tear drop float.

tossing iron said:
No need for any of that.
Simply pull off 10 - 25 ft of drag .
Cast upstream.
This is where having an 11 to 13 ft rod comes in.
Simply lift the rod as line starts to slack and set the hook when float submerges stops or starts heading up stream. Lol
I never cast as per opening bail.
I simply pull line in by hand and throw my presentation out again. Only time I actually reel in is when a fish hits.
Sorry if this sounds complicated because it's the complete opposite of complicated.
Have been using this method for YEARS .