Best Gloves

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GuitarBuildingAngler said:
Probably going to get a lot of flack for this, but seriously, $60 Simms gloves? Or any $60 gloves (like Simms) for that matter.
Are they REALLY worth it? Do they actually keep you warm fishing in negative temperatures?
price a side. they are wind proof, warm, water proof and they repel water fast. any other none fishing glove will get wet. I personally am guilty of wetting my gloves almost every trip in winter. and you actually get colder.
Dopefish905 said:
Simms finger folding gloves, not the mitts. Worth every penny! And Simms fingerless wool gloves for more mild days. Never a problem

Kit said:
These. Great. Cheap and cant ever over look wool. Even when its wet keeps 80% of its insulation value.

GuitarBuildingAngler said:
Probably going to get a lot of flack for this, but seriously, $60 Simms gloves? Or any $60 gloves (like Simms) for that matter.
Are they REALLY worth it? Do they actually keep you warm fishing in negative temperatures?
Not usually one to advertise Simms, but I have these gloves, and they are absolutely worth the price. GBA you've been steelheading with me in ridiculous temps, and although the gloves are wet, as Kit said, they do retain their insulation factor.

In my opinion, a very effective glove!
Yes they most certainly are. Any glove that's 100 percent wool is the best for cold weather. Even wool layers are great too very expensive but worth every penny. Any of the expensive synthetic stuff once it's wet holds no insulation at all then it's a rough day when your out and feels like -10 or colder with the wind.
GoodenTight said:
How are you guys getting your mitts wet? I bank fish all winter long and never get my gloves wet.......
For me it's either when I'm in the river, and tail the fish, or just during the release/revive in general.
In Dec the water is freezing man. I take my gloves off to fight the fish (atleast my reel hand) and both off to handle it. Then release then gloves back on = dry gloves every time, and perfect healthy release.

If you get wet gloves..
I like dollar shop too! Take you gloves off when you mess with fish, and your good to go!
balt0 said:
I went to Sail in Oshawa and didn't see those gloves. They just had the higher end ones.
I'll check the Vaughan location tomorrow and let you know. I just went to Dollarama and got wool gloves as liners for my half finger gloves when it gets really cold. It's 60% wool, but it does the job. For dexterity I cut a slit on the thumb index and middle finger when tying knots. Win win situation
flandogg said:
I'll check the Vaughan location tomorrow and let you know. I just went to Dollarama and got wool gloves as liners for my half finger gloves when it gets really cold. It's 60% wool, but it does the job. For dexterity I cut a slit on the thumb index and middle finger when tying knots. Win win situation
haha same, but i have fingerless glove/mitten that didnt have a thumb flap. so i made a slit also.
i use the thinsulate gloves with fold back mitten, take them off to fight with, but keep my hands pretty toasty, i have to take them off so my hands don't sweat. sweat + cold = really bad
Checked the Sail in Vaughan over the weekend the Simms wool half finger gloves are $35 @balt0

LordMykiss said:
haha same, but i have fingerless glove/mitten that didnt have a thumb flap. so i made a slit also.
Right on! Smack a Simms label on it and its now $45 LOL
I use the hunting gloves that the thumb as well as all the fingers folds away and is held with a magnet. I often put a pair of the thin gloves from the dollar store under them.

I used to be all hardcore about the cold till I damaged my hands sticking them in the water landing one simcoe laker after another on a bitterly cold day, they have never been the same since.