Best Hook size for Channels

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Well-Known Member
Apr 24, 2010
Just wondering whats the best average size hook that I should be using and if any type of hook is better.
I like Gamakatsu circle hooks. I match my hook size to my bait, if I'm throwing small to medium baits I'll use a 4/0-6/0 circle hook. For really big baits I'll go up to an 8/0 circle hook. Using circle hooks does take some getting use to though, you don't set the hook rather wait for the fish to set its self.

This is just my preference but it might help....
I guess not many people around this time of year???

But anyway thank you I will try out those hooks and see how they work.
When I go Catfishing I use a size 1 hook and I don't think it matters what style you choose. A hook with a longer shank is easier to remove IMO. I normally use chicken livers for bait and I like to thread the liver 2 or 3 times and that is why I use a larger hook. Likely bass worm hooks would be fine to use. Catfish feed by smell and taste and are caught ,usually, in muddy water so no fancy approach is necessary.
In my experience, the best hook for channel catfish is "circle" hook . You catch more fish with them, and also hooks fish at side of the mouth, hook does not get swallowed completely
I use octopus style hooks the most. I like 5/0 or larger depending on bait being used. I also use circle hooks but the fish have to be feeding aggressivley for them to work, also when using a circle hook go up one or 2 sizes from what you normally use. Last year I picked up some cross over hooks, they were a cross between a circle hook and a octopus. Great hooks. I ordered them off e-bay.