Active Member
Well guys it's that time of year again and I have a little extra cash that I've managed to tuck away and I'm itching to buy myself a new float rod for the upcoming season. I currently have a Raven RV9 with a custom handle and I love it, the only problem is that since I've only been float fishing for a year or so I enjoy getting out for salmon quite often to hone in my skills. The RV9 is a great rod however I find 2 things...1) Its a bit to expensive (in my eyes) to be battling big bruises all day, I fear that I will inevitably break it while trying to learn, 2) At 13'6" it's a bit long for the smaller rivers I like to fish, and I've heard mastering the wallis is easier on a shorter rod? (more control) Maybe I'm way off and just overthinking this but any advice would be great. I would really prefer a fixed reel seat and hoping to keep it around $200 and 10-6"-12' and suggestions or should I just stick with what I've been doing and not worry so much lol